- 3.0.2 rigid body dynamics module.

Operational Space module is a group of classes for implementing the operational space model. More...




class  ct::rbd::CoordinateBase< NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS >
class  ct::rbd::OperationalModel< NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS, NUM_CONTACTPOINTS >
 This is the class for the operational space model which gives access to the operational model parameter. The model is assumed to have the following form: $ M \ddot{x} + C + G = S^\top \tau + J_c^\top \lambda $ where $ \ddot{x} $ is the acceleration of the operational space coordinate. More...
class  ct::rbd::OperationalModelBase< NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS, NUM_CONTACTPOINTS >
class  ct::rbd::tpl::OperationalModelRBD< RBDContainer, NUM_CONTACTPOINTS, SCALAR >
 This is a class for expressing the RBD equations of an articulated robot as an operational model. It uses the RBDContainer class as an interface to access the generated code for an articulated robot. More...
class  ct::rbd::tpl::FrameJacobian< NUM_JOINTS, SCALAR >
 This class provides methods for converting the non-inertia base frame Jacobian matrix to an user defined inertia frame (called as inertia frame). More...
class  ct::rbd::tpl::JacobianBase< NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS, SCALAR >
class  ct::rbd::tpl::OperationalJacobianBase< NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS, SCALAR >

Detailed Description

Operational Space module is a group of classes for implementing the operational space model.