- 3.0.2 rigid body dynamics module.
Todo List
Member ct::rbd::Kinematics< RBD, N_EE >::getEEPositionInBase (size_t eeID, const typename JointState_t::Position &jointPosition)
integrate this into getEEPoseInBase
Member ct::rbd::Kinematics< RBD, N_EE >::getEEPositionInWorld (size_t eeID, const RigidBodyPoseTpl &basePose, const typename JointState_t::Position &jointPosition)
integrate this into getEEPoseInWorld
Member ct::rbd::tpl::RigidBodyPose< SCALAR >::STORAGE_TYPE
reduce to quaternion only
Member ct::rbd::tpl::SingleDOFTrajectoryGenerator< SCALAR >::queryTrajectory (const SCALAR time, SCALAR &x_new, SCALAR &v_new)
check and resolve why times would not be allowed to be negative.