- 3.0.2 core module.

A simple example on how to use Auto-Diff Codegeneration to compute the Jacobian (derivative) of a general function $ y = f(x) $.

This test gets run by CodegenTests.cpp to ensure all codegen tests do NOT run in parallel.
This file is part of the Control Toolbox (https://github.com/ethz-adrl/control-toolbox), copyright by ETH Zurich.
Licensed under the BSD-2 license (see LICENSE file in main directory)
#pragma once
// define the input and output sizes of the function
const size_t inDim = 3;
const size_t outDim = 2;
const bool verbose = false;
typedef DerivativesCppadJIT<inDim, outDim> derivativesCppadJIT;
typedef DerivativesCppadCG<inDim, outDim> derivativesCppadCG;
typedef DerivativesCppad<inDim, outDim> derivativesCppad;
template <typename SCALAR>
Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, outDim, 1> testFunction(const Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, inDim, 1>& x)
Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, outDim, 1> y;
y(0) = 3 * x(0) + 2 * x(0) * x(0) - x(1) * x(2);
y(1) = x(2) + x(1) + 3;
return y;
template <typename SCALAR>
Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, outDim, inDim> jacobianCheck(const Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, inDim, 1>& x)
Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, outDim, inDim> jac;
jac << 3 + 4 * x(0), -x(2), -x(1), 0, 1, 1;
return jac;
template <typename SCALAR>
Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, inDim, inDim> hessianCheck(const Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, inDim, 1>& x,
const Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, outDim, 1>& w)
Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, inDim, inDim> hes;
hes << 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0;
return w(0) * hes;
void executeForwardZeroTest(const bool useDynamicLib)
// create a function handle (also works for class methods, lambdas, function pointers, ...)
typename derivativesCppadJIT::FUN_TYPE_CG f_cg = testFunction<derivativesCppadJIT::CG_SCALAR>;
typename derivativesCppad::FUN_TYPE_AD f_ad = testFunction<derivativesCppad::AD_SCALAR>;
// initialize the Auto-Diff Codegen Jacobian
derivativesCppadJIT jacCG(f_cg);
derivativesCppad jacAd(f_ad);
DerivativesCppadSettings settings;
settings.createForwardZero_ = true;
settings.createJacobian_ = true;
settings.useDynamicLibrary_ = useDynamicLib;
// create a random double vector
Eigen::VectorXd someVec(inDim);
// test evaluation of forward zero before compilation
Eigen::VectorXd vecOut = jacAd.forwardZero(someVec);
// compile the Jacobian
jacCG.compileJIT(settings, "forwardZeroTestLib", verbose);
// test evaluation of forward zero after compilation
Eigen::VectorXd vecOut2 = jacCG.forwardZero(someVec);
// verify the outputs
ASSERT_LT((vecOut - vecOut2).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-10);
void executeJITCompilationTest(bool useDynamicLib)
// create a function handle (also works for class methods, lambdas, function pointers, ...)
typename derivativesCppadJIT::FUN_TYPE_CG f = testFunction<derivativesCppadJIT::CG_SCALAR>;
typename derivativesCppad::FUN_TYPE_AD f_ad = testFunction<derivativesCppad::AD_SCALAR>;
// initialize the Auto-Diff Codegen Jacobian
derivativesCppad jacAd(f_ad);
DerivativesCppadSettings settings;
settings.createJacobian_ = true;
settings.useDynamicLibrary_ = useDynamicLib;
// compile the Jacobian
jacCG.compileJIT(settings, "jacobianCGLib", verbose);
// create an input vector
Eigen::Matrix<double, inDim, 1> x;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
// create a random input
// verify agains the analytical Jacobian
ASSERT_LT((jacCG.jacobian(x) - jacobianCheck(x)).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-10);
ASSERT_LT((jacAd.jacobian(x) - jacobianCheck(x)).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-10);
ASSERT_LT((jacCG.jacobian(x) - jacAd.jacobian(x)).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-10);
void executeJitHessianTest(bool useDynamicLib)
typename derivativesCppadJIT::FUN_TYPE_CG f = testFunction<derivativesCppadJIT::CG_SCALAR>;
typename derivativesCppad::FUN_TYPE_AD f_ad = testFunction<derivativesCppad::AD_SCALAR>;
derivativesCppadJIT hessianCg(f);
derivativesCppad hessianAd(f_ad);
DerivativesCppadSettings settings;
settings.createHessian_ = true;
settings.useDynamicLibrary_ = useDynamicLib;
hessianCg.compileJIT(settings, "hessianCGLib", verbose);
Eigen::Matrix<double, inDim, 1> x;
Eigen::Matrix<double, outDim, 1> w;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
ASSERT_LT((hessianCg.hessian(x, w) - hessianCheck(x, w)).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-10);
ASSERT_LT((hessianAd.hessian(x, w) - hessianCheck(x, w)).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-10);
ASSERT_LT((hessianCg.hessian(x, w) - hessianAd.hessian(x, w)).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-10);
void executeJITCloneTest(bool useDynamicLib)
typename derivativesCppadJIT::FUN_TYPE_CG f = testFunction<derivativesCppadJIT::CG_SCALAR>;
typename derivativesCppad::FUN_TYPE_AD f_ad = testFunction<derivativesCppad::AD_SCALAR>;
// initialize the Auto-Diff Codegen Jacobian
std::shared_ptr<derivativesCppadJIT> jacCG(new derivativesCppadJIT(f));
std::shared_ptr<derivativesCppad> jacAd(new derivativesCppad(f_ad));
DerivativesCppadSettings settings;
settings.createJacobian_ = true;
settings.useDynamicLibrary_ = useDynamicLib;
// compile the Jacobian
jacCG->compileJIT(settings, "jacobianCGLib", verbose);
// create an input vector
Eigen::Matrix<double, inDim, 1> x;
std::shared_ptr<derivativesCppadJIT> jacCG_cloned(jacCG->clone());
// make sure the underlying dynamic libraries are not identical
if (useDynamicLib && (jacCG_cloned->getDynamicLib() == jacCG->getDynamicLib()))
std::cout << "FATAL ERROR: dynamic library not cloned correctly in JIT." << std::endl;
#ifdef LLVM
if (!useDynamicLib && (jacCG_cloned->getLlvmLib() == jacCG->getLlvmLib()))
std::cout << "FATAL ERROR: Llvm library not cloned correctly in JIT." << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++)
// create a random input
// verify agains the analytical Jacobian
ASSERT_LT((jacCG_cloned->jacobian(x) - jacobianCheck(x)).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-10);
ASSERT_LT((jacCG_cloned->jacobian(x) - jacAd->jacobian(x)).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-10);
TEST(JacobianCGTest, ForwardZeroTest)
executeForwardZeroTest(true); // using dynamic library
#ifdef LLVM
executeForwardZeroTest(false); //using llvm jit
} catch (std::exception& e)
std::cout << "Exception thrown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
TEST(JacobianCGTest, JITCompilationTest)
executeJITCompilationTest(true); // using dynamic library
#ifdef LLVM
executeJITCompilationTest(false); //using llvm jit
} catch (std::exception& e)
std::cout << "Exception thrown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
TEST(HessianCGTest, JITHessianTest)
executeJitHessianTest(true); // using dynamic library
#ifdef LLVM
executeJitHessianTest(false); //using llvm jit
} catch (std::exception& e)
std::cout << "Exception thrown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
TEST(JacobianCGTest, DISABLED_LlvmCloneTest)
executeJITCloneTest(false); // Jit using llvm in-memory library
} catch (std::exception& e)
std::cout << "Exception thrown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
TEST(JacobianCGTest, JitCloneTest)
executeJITCloneTest(true); // Jit using dynamic library
} catch (std::exception& e)
std::cout << "Exception thrown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
// /*!
// * Test for writing the codegenerated Jacobian to file
// */
TEST(JacobianCGTest, CodegenTest)
// create a function handle (also works for class methods, lambdas, function pointers, ...)
typename derivativesCppadCG::FUN_TYPE_CG f = testFunction<derivativesCppadCG::CG_SCALAR>;
// initialize the Auto-Diff Codegen Jacobian
// generate code for the Jacobian, similar to jacobianCheck()
// generate code for the actual function, will evaluate to the same as testFunction()