- 3.0.2 core module.
ct::core::internal Namespace Reference


class  CppADCodegenTrait
 Trait defining basic math functions for CppAD CodeGen Auto-Diff types. More...
struct  CppADDoubleTrait
 Trait defining basic math functions for CppAD Auto-Diff types. More...
struct  DoubleTrait
 Trait defining basic math functions for double types. More...
struct  FloatTrait
 Trait defining basic math functions for float types. More...
class  StepperBase
 This class serves as a common interface between the ODEInt and our custom integrators. More...
class  StepperCTBase
 The stepper interface for custom steppers. More...
class  StepperEulerCT
 Custom implementation of the euler stepper. More...
class  StepperODEInt
 The interface to call the integration routines from ODEInt. More...
class  StepperODEIntControlled
 The interface to call ODEInt Controlled integration routines. More...
class  StepperODEIntDenseOutput
 The interface to call ODEInt Dense Output Integration routines. More...
class  StepperRK4CT
 Custom implementation of the rk4 integration scheme. More...


template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using euler_t = boost::numeric::odeint::euler< Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra >
 Simple Euler stepper. More...
template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using modified_midpoint_t = boost::numeric::odeint::modified_midpoint< Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra >
 Modified Midpoint stepper. More...
template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using runge_kutta_4_t = boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta4< Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra >
 Runge-Kutta4 stepper. More...
template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using runge_kutta_dopri5_t = boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5< Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra >
 Runge-Kutta Dormand Price 5 stepper. More...
template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using runge_kutta_fehlberg78_t = boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_fehlberg78< Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, Time, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra >
 Runge Kutta Fehlberg 78 stepper. More...
template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using bulirsch_stoer_t = boost::numeric::odeint::bulirsch_stoer< Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra >
 Bulirsch Stoer stepper. More...
template<size_t STATE_DIM, size_t STEPS, typename SCALAR = double>
using adams_bashforth_uncontrolled_t = boost::numeric::odeint::adams_bashforth< STEPS, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra >
 Adams Bashforth stepper. More...
template<size_t POS_DIM, size_t VEL_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using symplectic_rk_t = boost::numeric::odeint::symplectic_rkn_sb3a_mclachlan< Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1 >, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1 >, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra >
 A symplictic rk type stepper. More...
template<size_t POS_DIM, size_t VEL_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using symplectic_euler_t = boost::numeric::odeint::symplectic_euler< Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1 >, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1 >, Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1 >, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra >

Typedef Documentation

◆ euler_t

template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using ct::core::internal::euler_t = typedef boost::numeric::odeint::euler<Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra>

Simple Euler stepper.

◆ modified_midpoint_t

template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using ct::core::internal::modified_midpoint_t = typedef boost::numeric::odeint::modified_midpoint<Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra>

Modified Midpoint stepper.

◆ runge_kutta_4_t

template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using ct::core::internal::runge_kutta_4_t = typedef boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta4<Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra>

Runge-Kutta4 stepper.

◆ runge_kutta_dopri5_t

template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using ct::core::internal::runge_kutta_dopri5_t = typedef boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5<Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra>

Runge-Kutta Dormand Price 5 stepper.

◆ runge_kutta_fehlberg78_t

template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using ct::core::internal::runge_kutta_fehlberg78_t = typedef boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_fehlberg78<Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, Time, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra>

Runge Kutta Fehlberg 78 stepper.

◆ bulirsch_stoer_t

template<size_t STATE_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using ct::core::internal::bulirsch_stoer_t = typedef boost::numeric::odeint::bulirsch_stoer<Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra>

Bulirsch Stoer stepper.

◆ adams_bashforth_uncontrolled_t

template<size_t STATE_DIM, size_t STEPS, typename SCALAR = double>
using ct::core::internal::adams_bashforth_uncontrolled_t = typedef boost::numeric::odeint::adams_bashforth<STEPS, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, STATE_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra>

Adams Bashforth stepper.

◆ symplectic_rk_t

template<size_t POS_DIM, size_t VEL_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using ct::core::internal::symplectic_rk_t = typedef boost::numeric::odeint::symplectic_rkn_sb3a_mclachlan<Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1>, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1>, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra>

A symplictic rk type stepper.

◆ symplectic_euler_t

template<size_t POS_DIM, size_t VEL_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
using ct::core::internal::symplectic_euler_t = typedef boost::numeric::odeint::symplectic_euler<Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1>, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1>, Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, POS_DIM, 1>, SCALAR, boost::numeric::odeint::vector_space_algebra>