- 3.0.2 Documentation
Classical, Constrained Direct Multiple Shooting for a Damped Oscillator

In this example, we show how to solve an Optimal Control problem for a oscillator system using classical Direct Multiple Shooting with an NLP solver backend.

Generally, we suggest using a Gauss-Newton Multiple Shooting (ct::optcon::GNMS) approach due to its linear time complexity and faster computation. For problems with a fine control discretization, it typically performs better than classical DMS.
This example requires either IPOPT or SNOPT to be installed. If you have a global installation of one of these solvers, and an environment variable set, it will be automatically detected.
This file is part of the Control Toolbox (https://github.com/ethz-adrl/control-toolbox), copyright by ETH Zurich.
Licensed under the BSD-2 license (see LICENSE file in main directory)
#include "exampleDir.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
using namespace ct::optcon;
using namespace ct::core;
const size_t state_dim = SecondOrderSystem::STATE_DIM;
const size_t control_dim = SecondOrderSystem::CONTROL_DIM;
x_0 << 0.0, 0.0;
x_final << 2.0, -1.0;
double w_n = 0.5; // oscillator frequency
double zeta = 0.01; // oscillator damping
// create oscillator system
std::shared_ptr<SecondOrderSystem> oscillator(new SecondOrderSystem(w_n, zeta));
// load the cost weighting matrices from file and store them in terms. Note that we only use intermediate cost
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::TermQuadratic<state_dim, control_dim>> intermediateCost(
intermediateCost->loadConfigFile(ct::optcon::exampleDir + "/dmsCost.info", "intermediateCost", true);
// create a cost function and add the terms to it.
std::shared_ptr<CostFunctionQuadratic<state_dim, control_dim>> costFunction(
// we include the desired terminal state as a hard constraint
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::ConstraintContainerAnalytical<state_dim, control_dim>> finalConstraints(
std::shared_ptr<TerminalConstraint<state_dim, control_dim>> terminalConstraint(
new TerminalConstraint<2, 1>(x_final));
finalConstraints->addTerminalConstraint(terminalConstraint, true);
// define optcon problem and add constraint
ContinuousOptConProblem<state_dim, control_dim> optConProblem(oscillator, costFunction);
DmsSettings settings;
settings.N_ = 25; // number of nodes
settings.T_ = 5.0; // final time horizon
settings.nThreads_ = 4; // number of threads for multi-threading
settings.costEvaluationType_ = DmsSettings::FULL; // we evaluate the full cost and use no trapezoidal approximation
settings.objectiveType_ = DmsSettings::KEEP_TIME_AND_GRID; // don't optimize the time spacing between the nodes
settings.h_min_ = 0.1; // minimum admissible distance between two nodes in [sec]
settings.integrationType_ = DmsSettings::RK4; // type of the shot integrator
settings.dt_sim_ = 0.01; // forward simulation dt
settings.absErrTol_ = 1e-8;
settings.relErrTol_ = 1e-8;
x_initguess.resize(settings.N_ + 1, StateVector<state_dim>::Zero());
u_initguess.resize(settings.N_ + 1, ControlVector<control_dim>::Zero());
for (size_t i = 0; i < settings.N_ + 1; ++i)
x_initguess[i] = x_0 + (x_final - x_0) * (i / settings.N_);
initialPolicy.xSolution_ = x_initguess;
initialPolicy.uSolution_ = u_initguess;
std::shared_ptr<DmsSolver<state_dim, control_dim>> dmsSolver(
new DmsSolver<state_dim, control_dim>(optConProblem, settings));
// retrieve the solution
DmsPolicy<state_dim, control_dim> solution = dmsSolver->getSolution();
// let's plot the output
plotResultsOscillator<state_dim, control_dim>(solution.xSolution_, solution.uSolution_, solution.tSolution_);

You can run this example with the following command

rosrun ct_optcon ex_DMS