- 3.0.2 core module.

This example shows how to define your own system.

This generates a "System", not a "ControlledSystem". If you wanted to use this system for controller design, you should derive from "ControlledSystem"
#pragma once
#include <ct/core/core.h> // as usual, include CT
// create a class that derives from ct::core::System
class Masspoint : public ct::core::System<2>
static const size_t STATE_DIM = 2;
// constructor
Masspoint(double mass, double d) : mass_(mass), d_(d) {}
// copy constructor
Masspoint(const Masspoint& other) : mass_(other.mass_), d_(other.d_) {}
// destructor
~Masspoint() = default;
// clone method for deep copying
Masspoint* clone() const override
return new Masspoint(*this); // calls copy constructor
// The system dynamics. We override this method which gets called by e.g. the Integrator
const ct::core::Time& t,
ct::core::StateVector<STATE_DIM>& derivative) override
// first part of state derivative is the velocity
derivative(0) = x(1);
// second part is the acceleration which is caused by damper forces
derivative(1) = -d_ / mass_ * x(1);
double mass_;
double d_;