- 3.0.2 optimal control module.

This unit test considers a variety of different solver/algorithm options for NLOC, combined with a linear system. We check if the optimization converges within 1 iteration.

visit the tutorial for a more intuitive example.
The HPIPM solver is not included in this unit test.
This file is part of the Control Toolbox (https://github.com/ethz-adrl/control-toolbox), copyright by ETH Zurich.
Licensed under the BSD-2 license (see LICENSE file in main directory)
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "../testSystems/LinearOscillator.h"
namespace ct {
namespace optcon {
namespace example {
using namespace ct::core;
using namespace ct::optcon;
using std::shared_ptr;
TEST(LinearSystemsTest, NLOCSolverTest)
typedef NLOptConSolver<state_dim, control_dim, state_dim / 2, state_dim / 2> NLOptConSolver;
// count executed tests
size_t testCounter = 0;
// desired final state
Eigen::Vector2d x_final;
x_final << 20, 0;
// given initial state
initState(1) = 1.0;
// provide algorithm settings
NLOptConSettings nloc_settings;
nloc_settings.epsilon = 0.0;
nloc_settings.recordSmallestEigenvalue = false;
nloc_settings.fixedHessianCorrection = false;
nloc_settings.dt = 0.01;
nloc_settings.discretization = NLOptConSettings::APPROXIMATION::FORWARD_EULER; // default approximation
nloc_settings.lqocp_solver = NLOptConSettings::LQOCP_SOLVER::GNRICCATI_SOLVER;
nloc_settings.printSummary = false;
// loop through all solver classes
for (int algClass = 0; algClass < NLOptConSettings::NLOCP_ALGORITHM::NUM_TYPES; algClass++)
nloc_settings.nlocp_algorithm = static_cast<NLOptConSettings::NLOCP_ALGORITHM>(algClass);
// switch line search on or off
for (int toggleLS = 0; toggleLS <= 1; toggleLS++)
nloc_settings.lineSearchSettings.type = static_cast<LineSearchSettings::TYPE>(toggleLS);
// toggle between single and multi-threading
for (size_t nThreads = 1; nThreads < 5; nThreads = nThreads + 3)
nloc_settings.nThreads = nThreads;
// toggle between iLQR/GNMS and hybrid methods with K_shot !=1
for (size_t kshot = 1; kshot < 11; kshot = kshot + 9)
nloc_settings.K_shot = kshot;
if (kshot > 1 && nloc_settings.nlocp_algorithm == NLOptConSettings::NLOCP_ALGORITHM::ILQR)
continue; // proceed to next test case
// toggle sensitivity integrator
for (size_t sensInt = 0; sensInt <= 1; sensInt++)
nloc_settings.useSensitivityIntegrator = bool(sensInt);
// toggle over simulation time-steps
for (size_t ksim = 1; ksim <= 5; ksim = ksim + 4)
nloc_settings.K_sim = ksim;
// catch special case, simulation sub-time steps only make sense when sensitivity integrator active
if ((nloc_settings.useSensitivityIntegrator == false) && (ksim > 1))
continue; // proceed to next test case
// toggle integrator type
for (size_t integratortype = 0; integratortype <= 1; integratortype++)
if (integratortype == 0)
nloc_settings.integrator = ct::core::IntegrationType::EULERCT;
else if (integratortype == 1 && nloc_settings.useSensitivityIntegrator == true)
// use RK4 with exactly integrated sensitivities
nloc_settings.integrator = ct::core::IntegrationType::RK4CT;
continue; // proceed to next test case
// nloc_settings.print();
shared_ptr<ControlledSystem<state_dim, control_dim>> nonlinearSystem(
shared_ptr<LinearSystem<state_dim, control_dim>> analyticLinearSystem(
shared_ptr<CostFunctionQuadratic<state_dim, control_dim>> costFunction =
// times
ct::core::Time tf = 1.0;
size_t nSteps = nloc_settings.computeK(tf);
// initial controller
StateVectorArray<state_dim> x0(nSteps + 1, initState);
uff << kStiffness * initState(0);
NLOptConSolver::Policy_t initController(x0, u0, u0_fb, nloc_settings.dt);
// construct single-core single subsystem OptCon Problem
tf, x0[0], nonlinearSystem, costFunction, analyticLinearSystem);
NLOptConSolver solver(optConProblem, nloc_settings);
solver.runIteration(); // only this one should be required to solve LQ problem
const SummaryAllIterations<double>& summary = solver.getBackend()->getSummary();
ASSERT_GT(summary.lx_norms.front(), 1e-9);
ASSERT_GT(summary.lu_norms.front(), 1e-9);
ASSERT_LT(summary.lx_norms.back(), 1e-10);
ASSERT_LT(summary.lu_norms.back(), 1e-10);
ASSERT_LT(summary.defect_l1_norms.back(), 1e-10);
ASSERT_LT(summary.defect_l2_norms.back(), 1e-10);
} // toggle integrator type
} // toggle simulation time steps
} // toggle sensitivity integrator
} // toggle k_shot
} // toggle multi-threading / single-threading
} // toggle line-search
} // toggle solver class
std::cout << "Performed " << testCounter << " successful NLOC tests with linear systems" << std::endl;
} // end TEST
} // namespace example
} // namespace optcon
} // namespace ct