- 3.0.2 optimal control module.

This example shows how to use general constraints alongside NLOC and requires HPIPM to be installed The unconstrained Riccati backward-pass is replaced by a high-performance interior-point constrained linear-quadratic Optimal Control solver.

#include "exampleDir.h"
using namespace ct::core;
using namespace ct::optcon;
/*get the state and control input dimension of the oscillator. Since we're dealing with a simple oscillator,
the state and control dimensions will be state_dim = 2, and control_dim = 1. */
class ConstraintTerm1D : public ct::optcon::ConstraintBase<state_dim, control_dim>
virtual ~ConstraintTerm1D() {}
virtual ConstraintTerm1D* clone() const override { return new ConstraintTerm1D(); }
virtual size_t getConstraintSize() const override { return 1; }
virtual Eigen::VectorXd evaluate(const state_vector_t& x, const control_vector_t& u, const double t) override
Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> val;
val.template segment<1>(0) << u(0) * x(0) * x(0);
return val;
virtual Eigen::Matrix<ct::core::ADCGScalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> evaluateCppadCg(
ct::core::ADCGScalar t) override
Eigen::Matrix<ct::core::ADCGScalar, 1, 1> val;
val.template segment<1>(0) << u(0) * x(0) * x(0);
return val;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
/* STEP 1: set up the Nonlinear Optimal Control Problem
* First of all, we need to create instances of the system dynamics, the linearized system and the cost function. */
/* STEP 1-A: create a instance of the oscillator dynamics for the optimal control problem.
* Please also compare the documentation of SecondOrderSystem.h */
double w_n = 0.1;
double zeta = 5.0;
std::shared_ptr<ct::core::ControlledSystem<state_dim, control_dim>> oscillatorDynamics(
new ct::core::SecondOrderSystem(w_n, zeta));
/* STEP 1-B: Although the first order derivatives of the oscillator are easy to derive, let's illustrate the use of the System Linearizer,
* which performs numerical differentiation by the finite-difference method. The system linearizer simply takes the
* the system dynamics as argument. Alternatively, you could implement your own first-order derivatives by overloading the class LinearSystem.h */
std::shared_ptr<ct::core::SystemLinearizer<state_dim, control_dim>> adLinearizer(
/* STEP 1-C: create a cost function. We have pre-specified the cost-function weights for this problem in "nlocCost.info".
* Here, we show how to create terms for intermediate and final cost and how to automatically load them from the configuration file.
* The verbose option allows to print information about the loaded terms on the terminal. */
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::TermQuadratic<state_dim, control_dim>> intermediateCost(
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::TermQuadratic<state_dim, control_dim>> finalCost(
bool verbose = true;
intermediateCost->loadConfigFile(ct::optcon::exampleDir + "/nlocCost.info", "intermediateCost", verbose);
finalCost->loadConfigFile(ct::optcon::exampleDir + "/nlocCost.info", "finalCost", verbose);
// Since we are using quadratic cost function terms in this example, the first and second order derivatives are immediately known and we
// define the cost function to be an "Analytical Cost Function". Let's create the corresponding object and add the previously loaded
// intermediate and final term.
std::shared_ptr<CostFunctionQuadratic<state_dim, control_dim>> costFunction(
/* STEP 1-D: set up the general constraints */
// constraint terms
std::shared_ptr<ConstraintTerm1D> pathConstraintTerm(new ConstraintTerm1D());
// create constraint container
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::ConstraintContainerAD<state_dim, control_dim>> generalConstraints(
new ct::optcon::ConstraintContainerAD<state_dim, control_dim>());
// add and initialize constraint terms
generalConstraints->addIntermediateConstraint(pathConstraintTerm, verbose);
generalConstraints->addTerminalConstraint(pathConstraintTerm, verbose);
/* STEP 1-E: initialization with initial state and desired time horizon */
ct::core::Time timeHorizon = 3.0; // and a final time horizon in [sec]
// STEP 1-E: create and initialize an "optimal control problem"
timeHorizon, x0, oscillatorDynamics, costFunction, adLinearizer);
// add the box constraints to the optimal control problem
/* STEP 2: set up a nonlinear optimal control solver. */
/* STEP 2-A: Create the settings.
* the type of solver, and most parameters, like number of shooting intervals, etc.,
* can be chosen using the following settings struct. Let's use Gauss-Newton
* Multiple Shooting for this example. In the following, we
* modify only a few settings, for more detail, check out the NLOptConSettings class. */
NLOptConSettings nloc_settings;
nloc_settings.load(ct::optcon::exampleDir + "/nlocSolver.info", true, "ilqr");
nloc_settings.lqocp_solver = NLOptConSettings::LQOCP_SOLVER::HPIPM_SOLVER; // solve LQ-problems using HPIPM
/* STEP 2-B: provide an initial guess */
// calculate the number of time steps K
size_t K = nloc_settings.computeK(timeHorizon);
/* design trivial initial controller for NLOC. Note that in this simple example,
* we can simply use zero feedforward with zero feedback gains around the initial position.
* In more complex examples, a more elaborate initial guess may be required.*/
StateVectorArray<state_dim> x_ref_init(K + 1, x0);
NLOptConSolver<state_dim, control_dim>::Policy_t initController(x_ref_init, u0_ff, u0_fb, nloc_settings.dt);
// STEP 2-C: create an NLOptConSolver instance
NLOptConSolver<state_dim, control_dim> nloc(optConProblem, nloc_settings);
// set the initial guess
// STEP 3: solve the optimal control problem
// STEP 4: retrieve the solution
// plot the output
plotResultsOscillator<state_dim, control_dim>(solution.x_ref(), solution.uff(), solution.time());