- 3.0.2 optimal control module.

This example shows how to use switched systems and constraints together with ct_optcon The problem is derived from Example 3 in http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1259455

using namespace ct;
using namespace ct::core;
using namespace ct::optcon;
using std::shared_ptr;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
/* STEP 1: set up the Nonlinear Optimal Control Problem
* First of all, we need to create instances of the system dynamics, the linearized system and the cost function. */
/* STEP 1-A: Aliases
* We create aliases for the system types to be used in this problem */
static const size_t STATE_DIM = 2;
static const size_t CONTROL_DIM = 1;
using SystemPtr = SwitchedSystem::SystemPtr;
using SwitchedSystems = SwitchedSystem::SwitchedSystems;
using Controller = std::shared_ptr<Controller<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM>>;
using LinearizerSystemPtr = SwitchedLinearSystem::LinearSystemPtr;
using SwitchedLinearSystems = SwitchedLinearSystem::SwitchedLinearSystems;
/* STEP 1-B: Create a mode sequence
* Then we set the switching time, time horizon, and schedule of the systems in the mode sequence.
* The switching time is not optimized and therefore set to the optimal switching time according to the paper */
double switchTime = 1.1624;
double timeHorizon = 2.0;
ContinuousModeSequence modeSequence;
modeSequence.addPhase(0, switchTime); // phase 0, t in [0, t)
modeSequence.addPhase(1, timeHorizon - switchTime); // phase 1, t in [t, T)
/* STEP 1-C: create a cost function.
* We specify a quadratic penalty on a desired final state and quadratic costs on the inputs */
Eigen::Matrix<double, STATE_DIM, 1> x_nominal, x_final;
Eigen::Matrix<double, CONTROL_DIM, 1> u_nominal;
Eigen::Matrix<double, STATE_DIM, STATE_DIM> Q, Q_final;
Eigen::Matrix<double, CONTROL_DIM, CONTROL_DIM> R;
x_final << 10.0, 6.0;
std::shared_ptr<CostFunctionQuadratic<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM>> quadraticCostFunction(
new CostFunctionQuadraticSimple<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM>(Q, R, x_nominal, u_nominal, x_final, Q_final));
/* STEP 1-D: Create system dynamics
* Two linear systems are created, linearized and combined into switched systems */
System::state_matrix_t A1_continuous, A2_continuous;
A1_continuous << 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
A2_continuous << 0.5, 0.866, 0.866, -0.5;
System::state_control_matrix_t B1_continuous, B2_continuous;
B1_continuous << 1.0, 1.0;
B2_continuous << 1.0, 1.0;
SystemPtr sysPtr1(new System(A1_continuous, B1_continuous));
SystemPtr sysPtr2(new System(A2_continuous, B2_continuous));
SwitchedSystems switchedSystems;
// Setup Constant Controller
System::control_vector_t u0;
Controller controller(new ConstantController(u0));
// Linearization
LinearizerSystemPtr linSys1(new SystemLinearizer(sysPtr1));
LinearizerSystemPtr linSys2(new SystemLinearizer(sysPtr2));
SwitchedLinearSystems switchedLinearSystems;
// Construct Switched Continuous System and its linearizations
std::shared_ptr<SwitchedSystem> switchedSystem(new SwitchedSystem(switchedSystems, modeSequence, controller));
std::shared_ptr<SwitchedLinearSystem> switchedLinearSystem(
new SwitchedLinearSystem(switchedLinearSystems, modeSequence));
// Set initial conditions
System::state_vector_t x0;
x0 << 1.0, 1.0;
/* STEP 1-E: Create constraints
* Two constraints are created, linearized, and combined into a switched constraint
* Both are a sum of state constraint, but the bounds for each phase are different */
std::shared_ptr<StateSumConstraint> phase1Constraint(new StateSumConstraint(-1e20, 7.0));
std::shared_ptr<StateSumConstraint> phase2Constraint(new StateSumConstraint(7.0, 1e20));
// Linearized constraints
bool verbose = false;
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::ConstraintContainerAD<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM>> generalConstraints_1(
new ct::optcon::ConstraintContainerAD<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM>());
generalConstraints_1->addIntermediateConstraint(phase1Constraint, verbose);
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::ConstraintContainerAD<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM>> generalConstraints_2(
new ct::optcon::ConstraintContainerAD<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM>());
generalConstraints_2->addIntermediateConstraint(phase2Constraint, verbose);
// Switched constraints
std::shared_ptr<SwitchedLinearConstraintContainer<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM>> switchedConstraints(
new SwitchedLinearConstraintContainer<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM>(switchedConstraintContainers, modeSequence));
/* STEP 2: set up a nonlinear optimal control solver. */
/* STEP 2-A: Create the settings.
* the type of solver, and most parameters, like number of shooting intervals, etc.,
* can be chosen using the following settings struct. For more detail, check out the NLOptConSettings class. */
NLOptConSettings ilqr_settings;
ilqr_settings.dt = 0.001; // the control discretization in [sec]
ilqr_settings.integrator = ct::core::IntegrationType::EULERCT;
ilqr_settings.discretization = NLOptConSettings::APPROXIMATION::FORWARD_EULER;
ilqr_settings.max_iterations = 100;
ilqr_settings.min_cost_improvement = 1e-6;
ilqr_settings.meritFunctionRhoConstraints = 10;
ilqr_settings.nThreads = 4;
ilqr_settings.nlocp_algorithm = NLOptConSettings::NLOCP_ALGORITHM::GNMS;
ilqr_settings.lqocp_solver = NLOptConSettings::LQOCP_SOLVER::HPIPM_SOLVER; // solve LQ-problems using HPIPM
ilqr_settings.lqoc_solver_settings.num_lqoc_iterations = 1000; // number of riccati sub-iterations
ilqr_settings.lineSearchSettings.type = LineSearchSettings::TYPE::SIMPLE;
ilqr_settings.lineSearchSettings.debugPrint = true;
ilqr_settings.printSummary = true;
/* STEP 2-B: provide an initial guess
* iLQR requires and initial control policy; we set all control action to zero. */
int kNUM_STEPS = ilqr_settings.computeK(timeHorizon);
StateVectorArray<STATE_DIM> x_ref_init(kNUM_STEPS + 1, x0);
NLOptConSolver<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM>::Policy_t initController(x_ref_init, u0_ff, u0_fb, ilqr_settings.dt);
// STEP 2-C: Create problem and solver instance
timeHorizon, x0, switchedSystem, quadraticCostFunction, switchedLinearSystem);
// Add the constraints
// Setup solver with problem and solver settings
NLOptConSolver<STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM> iLQR(optConProblem, ilqr_settings);
// Add the initial guess
// STEP 3: solve the optimal control problem
// STEP 4: retrieve the solution
// Plot results
plotResults(solution.x_ref(), solution.uff(), solution.time());