- 3.0.2 rigid body dynamics module.
ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U > Class Template Reference

Container class containing all robcogen classes. More...

#include <RobCoGenContainer.h>

Public Types

typedef RBDTrait::S SCALAR
typedef RBDTrait TRAIT
typedef U UTILS
typedef RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, UTILSspecialized_t
typedef std::shared_ptr< specialized_tPtr_t
typedef RBDTrait::HomogeneousTransforms HomogeneousTransforms
typedef RBDTrait::MotionTransforms MotionTransforms
typedef RBDTrait::ForceTransforms ForceTransforms
typedef RBDTrait::Jacobians Jacobians
typedef RBDTrait::InertiaProperties InertiaProperties
typedef RBDTrait::JSIM JSIM
typedef RBDTrait::FwdDynEngine ForwardDynamics
typedef RBDTrait::InvDynEngine InverseDynamics
typedef RBDTrait::LinkID LinkIdentifiers
typedef LinkDataMapT< Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, 6, 1 > > LinkForceMap
typedef Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, 4, 4 > HomogeneousTransform
typedef Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, 6, 6 > ForceTransform
typedef Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, 6, NJOINTSJacobian
typedef Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, 3, 3 > Matrix3Tpl
typedef kindr::Position< SCALAR, 3 > Position3Tpl
typedef Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, 3, 1 > Vector3Tpl
using RigidBodyPoseTpl = tpl::RigidBodyPose< SCALAR >

Public Member Functions

HomogeneousTransformshomogeneousTransforms ()
const HomogeneousTransformshomogeneousTransforms () const
MotionTransformsmotionTransforms ()
const MotionTransformsmotionTransforms () const
ForceTransformsforceTransforms ()
const ForceTransformsforceTransforms () const
Jacobiansjacobians ()
const Jacobiansjacobians () const
InertiaPropertiesinertiaProperties ()
const InertiaPropertiesinertiaProperties () const
JSIMjSim ()
const JSIMjSim () const
ForwardDynamicsforwardDynamics ()
const ForwardDynamicsforwardDynamics () const
InverseDynamicsinverseDynamics ()
const InverseDynamicsinverseDynamics () const
HomogeneousTransform getHomogeneousTransformBaseLinkById (size_t linkId, const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &jointPosition)
 Get a homogeneous transformation from link to base provided a link id. More...
ForceTransform getForceTransformLinkBaseById (size_t linkId, const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &jointPosition)
 Get a force transformation from link to base provided a link id. More...
HomogeneousTransform getHomogeneousTransformBaseEEById (size_t eeId, const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &jointPosition)
 Get a homogeneous transformation from base to an endeffector provided an endeffector id. More...
Jacobian getJacobianBaseEEbyId (size_t eeId, const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &jointPosition)
 Get the end-effector Jacobian expressed in the base frame. More...
Position3Tpl getEEPositionInBase (size_t eeId, const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &jointPosition)
 Get a force transformation from base to an endeffector provided an endeffector id. More...
RigidBodyPoseTpl getEEPoseInBase (size_t eeId, const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &jointPosition, typename RigidBodyPoseTpl::STORAGE_TYPE storage=RigidBodyPoseTpl::EULER)
 Get the endeffector pose expressed in the base frame. More...
Matrix3Tpl getEERotInBase (size_t eeId, const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &jointPosition)

Static Public Attributes

static const size_t NJOINTS = RBDTrait::joints_count
static const size_t NLINKS = RBDTrait::links_count

Detailed Description

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
class ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >

Container class containing all robcogen classes.

Member Typedef Documentation


template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait::S ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::SCALAR


template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::TRAIT


template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef U ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::UTILS

◆ specialized_t

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RobCoGenContainer<RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, UTILS> ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::specialized_t

◆ Ptr_t

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef std::shared_ptr<specialized_t> ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::Ptr_t

◆ HomogeneousTransforms

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait::HomogeneousTransforms ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::HomogeneousTransforms

◆ MotionTransforms

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait::MotionTransforms ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::MotionTransforms

◆ ForceTransforms

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait::ForceTransforms ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::ForceTransforms

◆ Jacobians

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait::Jacobians ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::Jacobians

◆ InertiaProperties

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait::InertiaProperties ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::InertiaProperties


template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait::JSIM ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::JSIM

◆ ForwardDynamics

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait::FwdDynEngine ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::ForwardDynamics

◆ InverseDynamics

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait::InvDynEngine ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::InverseDynamics

◆ LinkIdentifiers

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef RBDTrait::LinkID ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::LinkIdentifiers

◆ LinkForceMap

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef LinkDataMapT<Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, 6, 1> > ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::LinkForceMap

◆ HomogeneousTransform

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, 4, 4> ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::HomogeneousTransform

◆ ForceTransform

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, 6, 6> ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::ForceTransform

◆ Jacobian

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, 6, NJOINTS> ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::Jacobian

◆ Matrix3Tpl

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, 3, 3> ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::Matrix3Tpl

◆ Position3Tpl

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef kindr::Position<SCALAR, 3> ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::Position3Tpl

◆ Vector3Tpl

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<SCALAR, 3, 1> ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::Vector3Tpl

◆ RigidBodyPoseTpl

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
using ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::RigidBodyPoseTpl = tpl::RigidBodyPose<SCALAR>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RobCoGenContainer()

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::RobCoGenContainer ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ homogeneousTransforms() [1/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
HomogeneousTransforms& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::homogeneousTransforms ( )

◆ homogeneousTransforms() [2/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
const HomogeneousTransforms& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::homogeneousTransforms ( ) const

◆ motionTransforms() [1/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
MotionTransforms& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::motionTransforms ( )

◆ motionTransforms() [2/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
const MotionTransforms& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::motionTransforms ( ) const

◆ forceTransforms() [1/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
ForceTransforms& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::forceTransforms ( )

◆ forceTransforms() [2/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
const ForceTransforms& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::forceTransforms ( ) const

◆ jacobians() [1/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
Jacobians& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::jacobians ( )

◆ jacobians() [2/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
const Jacobians& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::jacobians ( ) const

◆ inertiaProperties() [1/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
InertiaProperties& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::inertiaProperties ( )

◆ inertiaProperties() [2/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
const InertiaProperties& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::inertiaProperties ( ) const

◆ jSim() [1/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
JSIM& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::jSim ( )

◆ jSim() [2/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
const JSIM& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::jSim ( ) const

◆ forwardDynamics() [1/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
ForwardDynamics& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::forwardDynamics ( )

◆ forwardDynamics() [2/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
const ForwardDynamics& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::forwardDynamics ( ) const

◆ inverseDynamics() [1/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
InverseDynamics& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::inverseDynamics ( )

◆ inverseDynamics() [2/2]

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
const InverseDynamics& ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::inverseDynamics ( ) const

◆ getHomogeneousTransformBaseLinkById()

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
HomogeneousTransform ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getHomogeneousTransformBaseLinkById ( size_t  linkId,
const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &  jointPosition 

Get a homogeneous transformation from link to base provided a link id.

The homogeneous transform takes a quantity expressed in the link frame and transforms it into the base frame, i.e. $ {_Bx} = T_{BL} {_Lx} $ where $ T_{BL} $ is the transform you obtain from this function.

linkIdlink id
positionjoint positions (angles)
Homogeneous transformation from link to base $ T_{BL} $

References ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::homogeneousTransforms().

◆ getForceTransformLinkBaseById()

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
ForceTransform ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getForceTransformLinkBaseById ( size_t  linkId,
const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &  jointPosition 

Get a force transformation from link to base provided a link id.

The force transform takes a torque-force vector expressed in the base frame and transforms it into the link frame, i.e. $ {_Lx} = T_{LB} {_Bx} $ where $ T_{LB} $ is the transform you obtain from this function.

linkIdlink id
positionjoint positions (angles)
Force transformation from link to base $ T_{LB} $

References ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::forceTransforms().

◆ getHomogeneousTransformBaseEEById()

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
HomogeneousTransform ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getHomogeneousTransformBaseEEById ( size_t  eeId,
const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &  jointPosition 

Get a homogeneous transformation from base to an endeffector provided an endeffector id.

The homogeneous transform converts a quantity expressed in the base and converts it to the end-effector frame, i.e. $ {_EEx} = T_{EE-B} {_Bx} $ The endeffector frame corresponds to the convention used when creating the RobCoGen code.

eeIdEnd-effector ID
jointPositionJoint angles/positions
Homogeneous transformation from base to endeffector $ T_{EE-B} $

References ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::homogeneousTransforms().

Referenced by ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getEEPoseInBase(), ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getEEPositionInBase(), and ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getEERotInBase().

◆ getJacobianBaseEEbyId()

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
Jacobian ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getJacobianBaseEEbyId ( size_t  eeId,
const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &  jointPosition 

Get the end-effector Jacobian expressed in the base frame.

eeIdendeffector ID
jointPositioncurrent joint position
Jacobian of the endeffector expressed in the base frame

References ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::jacobians().

◆ getEEPositionInBase()

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
Position3Tpl ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getEEPositionInBase ( size_t  eeId,
const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &  jointPosition 

Get a force transformation from base to an endeffector provided an endeffector id.

The force transform converts a torque-force vector expressed in the base and converts it to the end-effector frame, i.e. $ {_EEx} = T_{EE-B} {_Bx} $ The endeffector frame corresponds to the convention used when creating the RobCoGen code.

eeIdEnd-effector ID
jointPositionJoint angles/positions
Homogeneous transformation from base to endeffector $ T_{EE-B} $

Get the endeffector position expressed in the base frame

eeIdendeffector ID
jointPositioncurrent joint position
position of the endeffector expressed in the base frame

References ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getHomogeneousTransformBaseEEById().

◆ getEEPoseInBase()

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
RigidBodyPoseTpl ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getEEPoseInBase ( size_t  eeId,
const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &  jointPosition,
typename RigidBodyPoseTpl::STORAGE_TYPE  storage = RigidBodyPoseTpl::EULER 

Get the endeffector pose expressed in the base frame.

eeIdendeffector ID
jointPositioncurrent joint position
storagethe type of storage inteded for the pose
position of the endeffector expressed in the base frame

References ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getHomogeneousTransformBaseEEById().

◆ getEERotInBase()

template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
Matrix3Tpl ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getEERotInBase ( size_t  eeId,
const typename JointState< NJOINTS, SCALAR >::Position &  jointPosition 

compute the forward kinematics and return a rotation matrix specifying the ee-rotation w.r.t. the base frame

References ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::getHomogeneousTransformBaseEEById().

Member Data Documentation


template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
const size_t ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::NJOINTS = RBDTrait::joints_count


template<class RBDTrait, template< typename > class LinkDataMapT, class U>
const size_t ct::rbd::RobCoGenContainer< RBDTrait, LinkDataMapT, U >::NLINKS = RBDTrait::links_count

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