- 3.0.2 rigid body dynamics module.
ct::rbd Namespace Reference




class  ActuatorDynamics
class  ActuatorDynamicsSymplectic
class  CoordinateBase
class  Dynamics
 This class implements the equations of motion of a Rigid Body System. More...
class  EEContactModel
 A soft contact model that only uses end-effector positions/velocities to compute the contact force. More...
class  EndEffector
class  FixBaseAccSystem
 A simple fix base robot system which is purely kinematic and actuated at ACCELERATION level. More...
class  FixBaseFDSystem
 A fix base rigid body system that uses forward dynamics. More...
class  FixBaseFDSystemSymplectic
 A fix base rigid body system that uses forward dynamics. More...
class  FixBaseNLOC
 NLOC for fixed base systems without an explicit contact model. More...
class  FixBaseRobotState
 whole fix base robot state, i.e. Joint state, Actuator Dynamics (and fix-base pose) More...
class  FixBaseSystemBase
 Base class for fix-base robot systems. More...
class  FixBaseVelSystem
 A simple fix base robot system which is purely kinematic and actuated at VELOCITY level. More...
class  FloatingBaseFDSystem
 A floating base rigid body system that uses forward dynamics. The input vector is assumed to consist of joint torques and end-effector forces expressed in the world. More...
class  FloatingBaseNLOCContactModel
 NLOC for floating base systems with an explicit contact model. More...
class  FloatingBaseRobotState
 whole robot state, i.e. RBDState and Actuator Dynamics More...
class  FloatingBaseSLQ
 SLQ for floating base systems without an explicit contact model. The contact constraint is enforced via a cost function. More...
class  FloatingBaseTransforms
class  HyAInverseKinematics
class  IDControllerFB
class  IKConstraintsContainer
 Inverse Kinematics constraint container. More...
class  IKCostEvaluator
 Inverse Kinematics cost evaluator for NLP. More...
class  IKNLP
class  IKNLPSolverIpopt
class  InfiniteHorizonLQRwithInverseDynamics
class  InverseKinematicsBase
struct  InverseKinematicsSettings
class  Irb4600InverseKinematics
class  JacobiSingularity
 A class computing codition numbers and singular velues of a Jacobian. More...
class  JointAcceleration
 joint acceleration More...
class  JointLimitConstraints
 Inverse Kinematics joint limit constraints. More...
class  JointPositionPIDController
 A joint position controller using a PID controller for all joints. More...
class  JointState
 joint state and joint velocity More...
class  Kinematics
 A general class for computing Kinematic properties. More...
class  OperationalModel
 This is the class for the operational space model which gives access to the operational model parameter. The model is assumed to have the following form: $ M \ddot{x} + C + G = S^\top \tau + J_c^\top \lambda $ where $ \ddot{x} $ is the acceleration of the operational space coordinate. More...
class  OperationalModelBase
class  ProjectedDynamics
class  ProjectedFDSystem
 A floating base rigid body system that uses forward dynamics. The input vector is assumed to consist of joint torques and end-effector forces expressed in the world. More...
class  QuadrotorWithLoadFDSystem
class  RBDAcceleration
 joint acceleration and base acceleration More...
class  RBDDataMap
 A very simple container to associate N generic data item T. More...
class  RbdLinearizer
class  RBDState
 joint states and base states More...
class  RBDSystem
 This is a common interface class for an RBDSystem. More...
class  RobCoGenContainer
 Container class containing all robcogen classes. More...
class  SEADynamicsFirstOrder
class  SecondOrderActuatorDynamics
class  SelectionMatrix
 Selection Matrix for a Rigid Body Dynamics System. More...
class  SimpleArmTrajectoryGenerator
class  SpatialForceVector
 A spatial force vector This vector contains a torque (angular) in the upper three rows and a linear force in the lower three rows. More...
class  TermTaskspaceGeometricJacobian
 A costfunction term that defines a cost on a task-space pose, for fix-base robots only. More...
class  WholeBodyController


using SingleDOFTrajectoryGenerator = tpl::SingleDOFTrajectoryGenerator< double >
template<class RBDContainer , size_t NUM_CONTACTPOINTS>
using OperationalModelRBD = tpl::OperationalModelRBD< RBDContainer, NUM_CONTACTPOINTS, double >
template<typename Kinematics , size_t OUTPUTS, size_t NJOINTS>
using ConstraintJacobian = tpl::ConstraintJacobian< Kinematics, OUTPUTS, NJOINTS, double >
template<size_t NUM_JOINTS>
using FrameJacobian = tpl::FrameJacobian< NUM_JOINTS, double >
template<size_t NUM_OUTPUTS, size_t NUM_JOINTS>
using JacobianBase = tpl::JacobianBase< NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS, double >
template<size_t NUM_OUTPUTS, size_t NUM_JOINTS>
using OperationalJacobianBase = tpl::OperationalJacobianBase< NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS, double >
typedef tpl::RigidBodyAcceleration< double > RigidBodyAcceleration
typedef tpl::RigidBodyPose< double > RigidBodyPose
typedef tpl::RigidBodyState< double > RigidBodyState
typedef tpl::RigidBodyVelocities< double > RigidBodyVelocities


template<typename T , size_t N>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RBDDataMap< T, N > &map)

Typedef Documentation

◆ SingleDOFTrajectoryGenerator

◆ OperationalModelRBD

template<class RBDContainer , size_t NUM_CONTACTPOINTS>
using ct::rbd::OperationalModelRBD = typedef tpl::OperationalModelRBD<RBDContainer, NUM_CONTACTPOINTS, double>

◆ ConstraintJacobian

template<typename Kinematics , size_t OUTPUTS, size_t NJOINTS>
using ct::rbd::ConstraintJacobian = typedef tpl::ConstraintJacobian<Kinematics, OUTPUTS, NJOINTS, double>

◆ FrameJacobian

template<size_t NUM_JOINTS>
using ct::rbd::FrameJacobian = typedef tpl::FrameJacobian<NUM_JOINTS, double>

◆ JacobianBase

template<size_t NUM_OUTPUTS, size_t NUM_JOINTS>
using ct::rbd::JacobianBase = typedef tpl::JacobianBase<NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS, double>

◆ OperationalJacobianBase

template<size_t NUM_OUTPUTS, size_t NUM_JOINTS>
using ct::rbd::OperationalJacobianBase = typedef tpl::OperationalJacobianBase<NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS, double>

◆ RigidBodyAcceleration

◆ RigidBodyPose

◆ RigidBodyState

◆ RigidBodyVelocities

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

template<typename T , size_t N>
std::ostream& ct::rbd::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const RBDDataMap< T, N > &  map 