- 3.0.2 core module.

A simple custom PD controller for an oscillator

see DampedOscillatorCustomController.cpp on how to use it.

This file is part of the Control Toolbox (https://github.com/ethz-adrl/control-toolbox), copyright by ETH Zurich.
Licensed under the BSD-2 license (see LICENSE file in main directory)
#pragma once
static const size_t state_dim = 2; // two states
static const size_t control_dim = 1; // one control action
CustomController(const ct::core::ControlVector<control_dim>& uff, // feedforward control
const double& kp, // P gain
const double& kd // D gain
: uff_(uff), kp_(kp), kd_(kd)
CustomController(const CustomController& other) : uff_(other.uff_), kp_(other.kp_), kd_(other.kd_) {}
CustomController* clone() const override
return new CustomController(*this); // calls copy constructor
const double& t,
ct::core::ControlVector<control_dim>& controlAction) override
controlAction = uff_; // apply feedforward control
controlAction(0) -= kp_ * state(0) + kd_ * state(1); // add feedback control
double kp_;
double kd_;