- 3.0.2 core module.

This is a basic example showing how to augment a controlled system with a custom controller and forward integrate it over time.

This file is part of the Control Toolbox (https://github.com/ethz-adrl/control-toolbox), copyright by ETH Zurich.
Licensed under the BSD-2 license (see LICENSE file in main directory)
#include <ct/core/core.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// a damped oscillator has two states, position and velocity
// create a state
// we initialize it at a point with unit deflection and zero velocity
x(0) = 1.0;
x(1) = 0.0;
// create our oscillator
double w_n = 50;
std::shared_ptr<ct::core::SecondOrderSystem> oscillator(new ct::core::SecondOrderSystem(w_n));
// create our controller
double kp = 10;
double kd = 1;
uff << 2.0;
std::shared_ptr<CustomController> controller(new CustomController(uff, kp, kd));
// assign our controller
// create an integrator
// simulate 1000 steps
double dt = 0.001;
ct::core::Time t0 = 0.0;
size_t nSteps = 1000;
integrator.integrate_n_steps(x, t0, nSteps, dt);
// print the new state
std::cout << "state after integration: " << x.transpose() << std::endl;
return 0;