using | Trait = typename ct::core::tpl::TraitSelector< SCALAR >::Trait |
using | Base = BoxConstraintBase< CONTROL_DIM, STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | state_vector_t = core::StateVector< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | control_vector_t = core::ControlVector< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | VectorXi = Eigen::Matrix< int, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
using | VectorXs = Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
using | MatrixXs = Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | sparsity_matrix_t = Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, CONTROL_DIM > |
using | Trait = typename ct::core::tpl::TraitSelector< SCALAR >::Trait |
using | Base = ConstraintBase< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | state_vector_t = core::StateVector< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | control_vector_t = core::ControlVector< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | decision_vector_t = core::StateVector< DERIVED_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | VectorXi = Eigen::Matrix< int, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
using | VectorXs = Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
using | MatrixXs = Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | sparsity_matrix_t = Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, DERIVED_DIM > |
typedef core::StateVector< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > | state_vector_t |
typedef core::ControlVector< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > | control_vector_t |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > | VectorXs |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > | MatrixXs |
| ControlInputConstraint (const control_vector_t &uLow, const control_vector_t &uHigh) |
| Constructor taking lower and upper state bounds directly. Assumes state box constraint is dense. More...
| ControlInputConstraint (const VectorXs &lb, const VectorXs &ub, const Eigen::VectorXi &control_sparsity) |
| Constructor for sparse control input box constraint. Takes bounds and sparsity pattern. More...
| ControlInputConstraint (const ControlInputConstraint &arg) |
virtual | ~ControlInputConstraint () |
virtual ControlInputConstraint< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > * | clone () const override |
| Creates a new instance of the object with same properties than original. More...
virtual VectorXs | evaluate (const state_vector_t &x, const control_vector_t &u, const SCALAR t) override |
| The evaluation of the constraint violation. Note this method is SCALAR typed. More...
virtual MatrixXs | jacobianState (const state_vector_t &x, const control_vector_t &u, const SCALAR t) override |
| Returns the constraint jacobian wrt state. More...
virtual MatrixXs | jacobianInput (const state_vector_t &x, const control_vector_t &u, const SCALAR t) override |
| Returns the constraint jacobian wrt input. More...
virtual size_t | getNumNonZerosJacobianState () const override |
| Returns the number of nonzeros in the jacobian wrt state. The default implementation assumes a dense matrix with only nonzero elements. More...
virtual size_t | getNumNonZerosJacobianInput () const override |
| Returns the number of nonzeros in the jacobian wrt control input. The default implementation assumes a dense matrix with only nonzero elements. More...
virtual VectorXs | jacobianStateSparse (const state_vector_t &x, const control_vector_t &u, const SCALAR t) override |
| Returns the constraint jacobian wrt state in sparse structure. The default implementation maps the JacobianState matrix to a vector. More...
virtual VectorXs | jacobianInputSparse (const state_vector_t &x, const control_vector_t &u, const SCALAR t) override |
| Returns the constraint jacobian wrt control input in sparse structure. The default implementation maps the JacobianState matrix to a vector. More...
virtual void | sparsityPatternState (VectorXi &rows, VectorXi &cols) override |
virtual void | sparsityPatternInput (VectorXi &rows, VectorXi &cols) override |
| BoxConstraintBase (const decision_vector_t &vLow, const decision_vector_t &vHigh) |
| Constructor taking lower and upper state bounds directly. Assumes the box constraint is dense. More...
| BoxConstraintBase (const VectorXs &lb, const VectorXs &ub, const Eigen::VectorXi &sparsity_vec) |
| Constructor for sparse box constraint. Takes bounds and sparsity pattern. More...
| BoxConstraintBase (const BoxConstraintBase &arg) |
virtual | ~BoxConstraintBase () |
virtual size_t | getConstraintSize () const override |
| The evaluate method used for jit compilation in constraint container ad. More...
| ConstraintBase (std::string name="Unnamed") |
| Custom constructor. More...
| ConstraintBase (const ConstraintBase &arg) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~ConstraintBase () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual VectorXs | getLowerBound () const |
| Returns the lower constraint bound. More...
virtual VectorXs | getUpperBound () const |
| Returns the upper constraint bound. More...
void | getName (std::string &constraintName) const |
| Returns the constraint name. More...
void | setName (const std::string constraintName) |
| Sets the constraint name. More...
virtual void | sparsityPatternState (Eigen::VectorXi &rows, Eigen::VectorXi &cols) |
| Generates the sparsity pattern of the jacobian wrt state. The default implementation returns a vector of ones corresponding to the dense jacobianState. More...
virtual void | sparsityPatternInput (Eigen::VectorXi &rows, Eigen::VectorXi &cols) |
| Generates the sparsity pattern of the jacobian wrt control input. The default implementation returns a vector of ones corresponding to the dense jacobianInput. More...
static void | sparsityPatternSparseJacobian (const VectorXi &sparsity_vec, const size_t &constrSize, VectorXi &rows, VectorXi &cols) |
| generate sparsity pattern for sparse box constraint More...
EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW typedef ct::core::tpl::TraitSelector< SCALAR >::Trait | Trait |
sparsity_matrix_t | diagSparsityVecToSparsityMat (const VectorXi &spVec, const size_t &nConstr) |
| transform a sparsity vector (giving the sparsity pattern on the diagonal) in to a sparsity matrix More...
static void | genDiagonalIndices (const size_t num_elements, Eigen::VectorXi &iRow_vec, Eigen::VectorXi &jCol_vec) |
| upper bound on the constraints More...
static void | genSparseDiagonalIndices (const Eigen::VectorXi &diag_sparsity, Eigen::VectorXi &iRow_vec, Eigen::VectorXi &jCol_vec) |
| Generates indices of a sparse diagonal square matrix. More...
static void | genBlockIndices (const size_t num_rows, const size_t num_cols, Eigen::VectorXi &iRow_vec, Eigen::VectorXi &jCol_vec) |
| Generates indices of a full matrix. More...
VectorXi | sparsity_ |
| sparsity in vector form More...
sparsity_matrix_t | sparsity_J_ |
| sparsity matrix More...
size_t | constrSize_ |
| size of the constraint More...
VectorXs | lb_ |
VectorXs | ub_ |
| lower bound on the constraints More...
template<size_t STATE_DIM, size_t CONTROL_DIM, typename SCALAR = double>
class ct::optcon::ControlInputConstraint< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR >
Class for control input box constraint term.
- Template Parameters
STATE_DIM | The state dimension |
CONTROL_DIM | The control dimension |
SCALAR | The Scalar type |
- Examples:
- NLOC_boxConstrained.cpp.