typedef Base::OptConProblem_t | OptConProblem_t |
typedef NLOptConSettings | Settings_t |
typedef ct::core::StateFeedbackController< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > | Policy_t |
typedef std::conditional< CONTINUOUS, ContinuousOptConProblem< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR >, DiscreteOptConProblem< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > >::type | OptConProblem_t |
typedef LQOCProblem< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > | LQOCProblem_t |
typedef LQOCSolver< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > | LQOCSolver_t |
typedef ct::core::StateVectorArray< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > | StateVectorArray |
typedef std::shared_ptr< StateVectorArray > | StateVectorArrayPtr |
typedef ct::core::ControlVectorArray< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > | ControlVectorArray |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ControlVectorArray > | ControlVectorArrayPtr |
typedef std::vector< StateVectorArrayPtr, Eigen::aligned_allocator< StateVectorArrayPtr > > | StateSubsteps |
typedef std::shared_ptr< StateSubsteps > | StateSubstepsPtr |
typedef std::vector< ControlVectorArrayPtr, Eigen::aligned_allocator< ControlVectorArrayPtr > > | ControlSubsteps |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ControlSubsteps > | ControlSubstepsPtr |
typedef OptconSystemInterface< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, OptConProblem_t, SCALAR > | systemInterface_t |
typedef std::shared_ptr< systemInterface_t > | systemInterfacePtr_t |
using | ControlMatrix = ct::core::ControlMatrix< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | ControlMatrixArray = ct::core::ControlMatrixArray< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | StateMatrixArray = ct::core::StateMatrixArray< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | StateControlMatrixArray = ct::core::StateControlMatrixArray< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | FeedbackArray = ct::core::FeedbackArray< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | TimeArray = ct::core::tpl::TimeArray< SCALAR > |
using | state_matrix_t = Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, STATE_DIM > |
using | control_matrix_t = Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, CONTROL_DIM, CONTROL_DIM > |
using | control_state_matrix_t = Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, CONTROL_DIM, STATE_DIM > |
using | state_control_matrix_t = Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM > |
using | state_vector_t = core::StateVector< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | control_vector_t = core::ControlVector< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | feedback_matrix_t = core::FeedbackMatrix< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > |
using | scalar_t = SCALAR |
using | scalar_array_t = std::vector< SCALAR, Eigen::aligned_allocator< SCALAR > > |
| NLOCBackendST (const OptConProblem_t &optConProblem, const NLOptConSettings &settings) |
| NLOCBackendST (const OptConProblem_t &optConProblem, const std::string &settingsFile, bool verbose=true, const std::string &ns="alg") |
virtual | ~NLOCBackendST () |
| NLOCBackendBase (const OptConProblem_t &optConProblem, const Settings_t &settings) |
| NLOCBackendBase (const OptConProblem_t &optConProblem, const std::string &settingsFile, bool verbose=true, const std::string &ns="alg") |
| NLOCBackendBase (const systemInterfacePtr_t &systemInterface, const Settings_t &settings) |
| NLOCBackendBase (const systemInterfacePtr_t &systemInterface, const std::string &settingsFile, bool verbose=true, const std::string &ns="alg") |
virtual | ~NLOCBackendBase () |
template<typename T = OptConProblem_t> |
std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, ContinuousOptConProblem< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > >::value, systemInterfacePtr_t >::type | createSystemInterface (const OptConProblem_t &optConProblem, const Settings_t &settings) |
template<typename T = OptConProblem_t> |
std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, DiscreteOptConProblem< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > >::value, systemInterfacePtr_t >::type | createSystemInterface (const OptConProblem_t &optConProblem, const Settings_t &settings) |
virtual void | configure (const Settings_t &settings) |
| configure the solver More...
const Settings_t & | getSettings () const |
| get the current SLQsolver settings More...
void | setInitialGuess (const Policy_t &initialGuess) |
void | changeTimeHorizon (const SCALAR &tf) |
| Change the time horizon the solver operates on. More...
void | changeTimeHorizon (int numStages) |
SCALAR | getTimeHorizon () |
int | getNumSteps () |
int | getNumStepsPerShot () const |
void | changeInitialState (const core::StateVector< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > &x0) |
| Change the initial state for the optimal control problem. More...
void | changeCostFunction (const typename OptConProblem_t::CostFunctionPtr_t &cf) |
| Change the cost function. More...
void | changeNonlinearSystem (const typename OptConProblem_t::DynamicsPtr_t &dyn) |
| Change the nonlinear system. More...
void | changeLinearSystem (const typename OptConProblem_t::LinearPtr_t &lin) |
| Change the linear system. More...
void | changeInputBoxConstraints (const typename OptConProblem_t::ConstraintPtr_t &con) |
| Change the input box constraints. More...
void | changeStateBoxConstraints (const typename OptConProblem_t::ConstraintPtr_t &con) |
| Change the state box constraints. More...
void | changeGeneralConstraints (const typename OptConProblem_t::ConstraintPtr_t &con) |
| Change the general constraints. More...
std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::DynamicsPtr_t > & | getNonlinearSystemsInstances () |
| Direct accessor to the system instances. More...
const std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::DynamicsPtr_t > & | getNonlinearSystemsInstances () const |
std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::LinearPtr_t > & | getLinearSystemsInstances () |
| Direct accessor to the linear system instances. More...
const std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::LinearPtr_t > & | getLinearSystemsInstances () const |
std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::CostFunctionPtr_t > & | getCostFunctionInstances () |
| Direct accessor to the cost function instances. More...
const std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::CostFunctionPtr_t > & | getCostFunctionInstances () const |
std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::ConstraintPtr_t > & | getInputBoxConstraintsInstances () |
| Direct accessor to the box constraint instances. More...
std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::ConstraintPtr_t > & | getStateBoxConstraintsInstances () |
const std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::ConstraintPtr_t > & | getInputBoxConstraintsInstances () const |
const std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::ConstraintPtr_t > & | getStateBoxConstraintsInstances () const |
std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::ConstraintPtr_t > & | getGeneralConstraintsInstances () |
| Direct accessor to the general constraints. More...
const std::vector< typename OptConProblem_t::ConstraintPtr_t > & | getGeneralConstraintsInstances () const |
bool | testConsistency () |
void | logToMatlab (const size_t &iteration) |
| Export all functions to matlab workspace. More...
void | logInitToMatlab () |
| log the initial guess to Matlab More...
SCALAR | getCost () const |
| return the cost of the solution of the current iteration More...
SCALAR | getTotalDefect () const |
| return the sum of the L2-norm of the defects along the solution candidate More...
void | reset () |
const core::StateTrajectory< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > | getStateTrajectory () const |
const core::ControlTrajectory< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > | getControlTrajectory () const |
const Policy_t & | getSolution () |
const TimeArray & | getTimeArray () |
bool | isConfigured () |
bool | isInitialized () |
void | retrieveLastAffineModel (StateMatrixArray &A, StateControlMatrixArray &B, StateVectorArray &b) |
| Retrieve Last Linearized Model. More...
virtual void | prepareSolveLQProblem (size_t startIndex) |
virtual void | finishSolveLQProblem (size_t endIndex) |
virtual void | solveFullLQProblem () |
void | extractSolution () |
| extract relevant quantities for the following rollout/solution update step from the LQ solver More...
void | updateCosts () |
| compute costs of solution candidate More...
bool | nominalRollout () |
| nominal rollout using default thread and member variables for the results. // todo maybe rename (initial rollout?) More...
void | checkProblem () |
| check problem for consistency More...
size_t & | iteration () |
| return the current iteration number More...
void | printSummary () |
| Print iteration summary. More...
bool | lineSearch () |
| perform line-search and update controller More...
void | setInputBoxConstraintsForLQOCProblem () |
| sets the box constraints for the entire time horizon including terminal stage More...
void | setStateBoxConstraintsForLQOCProblem () |
void | resetDefects () |
| reset all defects to zero More...
void | computeDefectsNorm () |
| update the nominal defects More...
bool | rolloutShotsSingleThreaded (size_t threadId, size_t firstIndex, size_t lastIndex, ControlVectorArray &u_ff_local, StateVectorArray &x_local, const StateVectorArray &x_ref_lqr, StateVectorArray &xShot, StateVectorArray &d, StateSubsteps &substepsX, ControlSubsteps &substepsU, std::atomic_bool *terminationFlag=nullptr) const |
| do a single threaded rollout and defect computation of the shots - useful for line-search More...
void | doFullStepUpdate () |
| simple full-step update for state and feedforward control (used for MPC-mode!) More...
void | logSummaryToMatlab (const std::string &fileName) |
const SummaryAllIterations< SCALAR > & | getSummary () const |
virtual void | computeLQApproximation (size_t firstIndex, size_t lastIndex) override |
| build LQ approximation around trajectory (linearize dynamics and general constraints, quadratize cost, etc) More...
virtual void | rolloutShots (size_t firstIndex, size_t lastIndex) override |
| integrates the specified shots and computes the corresponding defects More...
SCALAR | performLineSearch () override |
| performLineSearch: execute the line search, possibly with different threading schemes More...
bool | rolloutSingleShot (const size_t threadId, const size_t k, ControlVectorArray &u_ff_local, StateVectorArray &x_local, const StateVectorArray &x_ref_lqr, StateVectorArray &xShot, StateSubsteps &substepsX, ControlSubsteps &substepsU, std::atomic_bool *terminationFlag=nullptr) const |
| integrate the individual shots More...
void | computeSingleDefect (size_t k, const StateVectorArray &x_local, const StateVectorArray &xShot, StateVectorArray &d) const |
| computes the defect between shot and trajectory More...
void | executeLQApproximation (size_t threadId, size_t k) |
| Computes the linearized Dynamics and quadratic cost approximation at a specific point of the trajectory. More...
void | computeLinearizedConstraints (size_t threadId, size_t k) |
| Computes the linearized general constraints at a specific point of the trajectory. More...
void | initializeCostToGo () |
| Initializes cost to go. More...
void | computeCostToGo (size_t k) |
| Computes cost to go. More...
void | designController (size_t k) |
| Design controller. More...
void | computeCostsOfTrajectory (size_t threadId, const core::StateVectorArray< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > &x_local, const core::ControlVectorArray< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > &u_local, scalar_t &intermediateCost, scalar_t &finalCost) const |
| Compute cost for a given set of state and input trajectory. More...
void | computeBoxConstraintErrorOfTrajectory (size_t threadId, const ct::core::StateVectorArray< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > &x_local, const ct::core::ControlVectorArray< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > &u_local, scalar_t &e_tot) const |
| Compute box constraint violations for a given set of state and input trajectory. More...
void | computeGeneralConstraintErrorOfTrajectory (size_t threadId, const ct::core::StateVectorArray< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > &x_local, const ct::core::ControlVectorArray< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > &u_local, scalar_t &e_tot) const |
| Compute general constraint violations for a given set of state and input trajectory. More...
void | executeLineSearch (const size_t threadId, const scalar_t alpha, ct::core::StateVectorArray< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > &x_recorded, ct::core::StateVectorArray< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > &x_shot_recorded, ct::core::StateVectorArray< STATE_DIM, SCALAR > &defects_recorded, ct::core::ControlVectorArray< CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > &u_recorded, scalar_t &intermediateCost, scalar_t &finalCost, scalar_t &defectNorm, scalar_t &e_box_norm, scalar_t &e_gen_norm, StateSubsteps &substepsX, ControlSubsteps &substepsU, std::atomic_bool *terminationFlag=nullptr) const |
| Check if controller with particular alpha is better. More...
bool | acceptStep (const SCALAR alpha, const SCALAR intermediateCost, const SCALAR finalCost, const SCALAR defectNorm, const SCALAR e_box_norm, const SCALAR e_gen_norm, const SCALAR lowestMeritPrevious, SCALAR &new_merit) |
| in case of line-search compute new merit and check if to accept step. Returns true if accept step More...
void | updateFFController (size_t k) |
| Update feedforward controller. More...
template<typename ARRAY_TYPE , size_t ORDER = 1> |
SCALAR | computeDiscreteArrayNorm (const ARRAY_TYPE &d) const |
| compute norm of a discrete array (todo move to core) More...
template<typename ARRAY_TYPE , size_t ORDER = 1> |
SCALAR | computeDiscreteArrayNorm (const ARRAY_TYPE &a, const ARRAY_TYPE &b) const |
| compute norm of difference between two discrete arrays (todo move to core) More...
template<size_t ORDER = 1> |
SCALAR | computeDefectsNorm (const StateVectorArray &d) const |
| compute the norm of the defects trajectory More...
template<size_t STATE_DIM, size_t CONTROL_DIM, size_t P_DIM, size_t V_DIM, typename SCALAR = double, bool CONTINUOUS = true>
NLOC Backend for Single-Threaded case