- 3.0.2 optimal control module.

This example shows how to use classical Direct Multiple Shooting with an oscillator system, using IPOPT as NLP solver.

This file is part of the Control Toolbox (https://github.com/ethz-adrl/control-toolbox), copyright by ETH Zurich.
Licensed under the BSD-2 license (see LICENSE file in main directory)
#include "exampleDir.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
using namespace ct::optcon;
using namespace ct::core;
const size_t state_dim = SecondOrderSystem::STATE_DIM;
const size_t control_dim = SecondOrderSystem::CONTROL_DIM;
x_0 << 0.0, 0.0;
x_final << 2.0, -1.0;
double w_n = 0.5; // oscillator frequency
double zeta = 0.01; // oscillator damping
// create oscillator system
std::shared_ptr<SecondOrderSystem> oscillator(new SecondOrderSystem(w_n, zeta));
// load the cost weighting matrices from file and store them in terms. Note that we only use intermediate cost
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::TermQuadratic<state_dim, control_dim>> intermediateCost(
intermediateCost->loadConfigFile(ct::optcon::exampleDir + "/dmsCost.info", "intermediateCost", true);
// create a cost function and add the terms to it.
std::shared_ptr<CostFunctionQuadratic<state_dim, control_dim>> costFunction(
// we include the desired terminal state as a hard constraint
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::ConstraintContainerAnalytical<state_dim, control_dim>> finalConstraints(
std::shared_ptr<TerminalConstraint<state_dim, control_dim>> terminalConstraint(
new TerminalConstraint<2, 1>(x_final));
finalConstraints->addTerminalConstraint(terminalConstraint, true);
// define optcon problem and add constraint
ContinuousOptConProblem<state_dim, control_dim> optConProblem(oscillator, costFunction);
DmsSettings settings;
settings.N_ = 25; // number of nodes
settings.T_ = 5.0; // final time horizon
settings.nThreads_ = 4; // number of threads for multi-threading
settings.costEvaluationType_ = DmsSettings::FULL; // we evaluate the full cost and use no trapezoidal approximation
settings.objectiveType_ = DmsSettings::KEEP_TIME_AND_GRID; // don't optimize the time spacing between the nodes
settings.h_min_ = 0.1; // minimum admissible distance between two nodes in [sec]
settings.integrationType_ = DmsSettings::RK4; // type of the shot integrator
settings.dt_sim_ = 0.01; // forward simulation dt
settings.absErrTol_ = 1e-8;
settings.relErrTol_ = 1e-8;
x_initguess.resize(settings.N_ + 1, StateVector<state_dim>::Zero());
u_initguess.resize(settings.N_ + 1, ControlVector<control_dim>::Zero());
for (size_t i = 0; i < settings.N_ + 1; ++i)
x_initguess[i] = x_0 + (x_final - x_0) * (i / settings.N_);
initialPolicy.xSolution_ = x_initguess;
initialPolicy.uSolution_ = u_initguess;
std::shared_ptr<DmsSolver<state_dim, control_dim>> dmsSolver(
new DmsSolver<state_dim, control_dim>(optConProblem, settings));
// retrieve the solution
DmsPolicy<state_dim, control_dim> solution = dmsSolver->getSolution();
// let's plot the output
plotResultsOscillator<state_dim, control_dim>(solution.xSolution_, solution.uSolution_, solution.tSolution_);