- 3.0.2 optimal control module.

This example shows how to use the Kalman Filter to simultaneously estimate the state and the disturbance acting on a simple linear oscillator system. The gist of the example is that the state is augmented with a disturbance and the system dynamics is augmented with the disturbance.

Using the parameters loaded from file, we can change initial state, apply additional feed-forward controls and vary both frequency and magnitude of the disturbance. Furthermore, it holds the Kalman Filter tuning parameters and noise parameters for simulation.

This file is part of the Control Toolbox (https://github.com/ethz-adrl/control-toolbox), copyright by ETH Zurich.
Licensed under the BSD-2 license (see LICENSE file in main directory)
#include "exampleDir.h"
// a damped oscillator has two states, position and velocity
const size_t output_dim = state_dim; // we measure the full state
const size_t dist_dim = control_dim; // we consider an input disturbance
class CustomController : public ct::core::Controller<state_dim, control_dim>
static const size_t state_dim = 2;
static const size_t control_dim = 1;
CustomController(const ct::core::ControlVector<control_dim>& uff_max, // feedforward control amplitude
const double& uff_frequency, // frequency of the feedforward control osciallation
const double& kp, // P gain
const double& kd, // D gain
const double& disturbance_max, // disturbance amplitude
const double& disturbance_frequency // frequency of the disturbance
: uff_max_(uff_max),
CustomController* clone() const override { return new CustomController(*this); }
const double& t,
ct::core::ControlVector<control_dim>& controlAction) override
controlAction = uff_max_ * std::sin(t * uff_frequency_); // apply feedforward control
controlAction += getSimulatedDisturbance(t); // apply simulated disturbance
controlAction(0) += -kp_ * state(0) - kd_ * state(1); // add feedback control
ct::core::ControlVector<control_dim> getSimulatedDisturbance(const double& t)
dist_in(0) = d_ * std::cos(t * t * d_freq_);
return dist_in;
double uff_frequency_; // frequency of feedforward oscillation
double kp_;
double kd_;
double d_;
double d_freq_;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// file with weights and settings
std::string configFile = ct::optcon::exampleDir + "/kalmanDisturbanceFilterSettings.info";
double dt; // sampling time
int nSteps; // time horizon
ct::core::loadScalar(configFile, "experiment_settings.dt", dt);
ct::core::loadScalar(configFile, "experiment_settings.nSteps", nSteps);
// state vector (initial state)
ct::core::loadMatrix(configFile, "x0", x);
// create an oscillator with resonance-frequency w_n
double w_n;
ct::core::loadScalar(configFile, "experiment_settings.w_n", w_n);
std::shared_ptr<ct::core::SecondOrderSystem> oscillator(new ct::core::SecondOrderSystem(w_n));
// create our controller: a PD controller which also "simulates" a time-varying disturbance
double kp = 10.0;
double kd = 1.0;
double uff_frequency, disturbance_max, disturbance_freq;
ct::core::loadMatrix(configFile, "experiment_settings.uff_magnitude", uff_magnitude);
ct::core::loadScalar(configFile, "experiment_settings.uff_frequency", uff_frequency);
ct::core::loadScalar(configFile, "experiment_settings.disturbance_frequency", disturbance_freq);
ct::core::loadScalar(configFile, "experiment_settings.disturbance_max", disturbance_max);
std::shared_ptr<CustomController> disturbed_controller(
new CustomController(uff_magnitude, uff_frequency, kp, kd, disturbance_max, disturbance_freq));
// assign our controller to generate the disturbed data
// create an integrator for "simulating" the measured data
ct::core::Integrator<state_dim> integrator(oscillator, ct::core::IntegrationType::EULERCT);
ct::core::StateVectorArray<state_dim> states; // recorded sim states
ct::core::ControlVectorArray<dist_dim> disturbance; // recorded disturbance
ct::core::tpl::TimeArray<double> times; // recorded times
// read process noise parameters from file
ct::core::loadMatrix(configFile, "process_noise.process_var", process_var);
// process noise (scaled with dt)
ct::core::GaussianNoise position_process_noise(0.0, dt * process_var(0, 0));
ct::core::GaussianNoise velocity_process_noise(0.0, dt * process_var(1, 1));
// simulate the disturbed system to generate data
for (int i = 0; i < nSteps; i++)
// integrate system
integrator.integrate_n_steps(x, i * dt, 1, dt);
// log the disturbance (for plotting only)
disturbance.push_back(disturbed_controller->getSimulatedDisturbance(dt * i));
// add process noise
// log state and time
times.push_back(i * dt);
// observation model of the system dynamics (the model we "assume" to be correct, without disturbance)
std::shared_ptr<ct::core::SecondOrderSystem> oscillator_obs(new ct::core::SecondOrderSystem(w_n));
// create the controller that we "assumed" we were using (no disturbance)
std::shared_ptr<CustomController> controller_nominal(
new CustomController(uff_magnitude, uff_frequency, kp, kd, 0.0, 0.0));
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::InputDisturbedSystem<state_dim, control_dim>> inputDisturbedSystem(
// Observation matrix for the state
// Observation matrix for the disturbance (assuming the disturbance does not enter the output equation)
// Total observation matrix, state and disturbance combined
Caug << C, Cd;
// Kalman filter weighting matrices Q, dFdv and R
ct::core::loadMatrix(configFile, "kalman_weights.Qaug", Qaug);
ct::core::loadMatrix(configFile, "kalman_weights.R", R);
// create a sensitivity approximator to obtain discrete-time dynamics matrices
std::shared_ptr<ct::core::SystemLinearizer<state_dim + dist_dim, control_dim>> linearizer(
std::shared_ptr<ct::core::SensitivityApproximation<state_dim + dist_dim, control_dim>> sensApprox(
// set up the system model
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::CTSystemModel<state_dim + dist_dim, control_dim>> sysModel(
new ct::optcon::CTSystemModel<state_dim + dist_dim, control_dim>(inputDisturbedSystem, sensApprox, dFdv));
// set up the measurement model
std::shared_ptr<ct::optcon::LinearMeasurementModel<output_dim, state_dim + dist_dim>> measModel(
// load measurement noise data from file
ct::core::loadMatrix(configFile, "measurement_noise.measurement_var", meas_var);
ct::core::GaussianNoise position_measurement_noise(0.0, meas_var(0, 0));
ct::core::GaussianNoise velocity_measurement_noise(0.0, meas_var(1, 1));
// generate initial state for the estimator (with noise, disturbance assumed to be zero at beginning)
x0aug << states[0], 0.0;
// data containers for logging data while estimating
ct::core::OutputVectorArray<output_dim> output_meas(states.size());
states_est[0] = x0aug;
output_meas[0] = states[0];
cov_est[0] = Qaug;
// set up Extended Kalman Filter
sysModel, measModel, Qaug, R, x0aug, Qaug);
// run the filter over the simulated data
for (size_t i = 1; i < states.size(); ++i)
// compute an observation
ct::core::OutputVector<output_dim> y = C * states[i] + Cd * disturbance[i - 1];
position_measurement_noise.noisify(y(0)); // Position noise.
velocity_measurement_noise.noisify(y(1)); // Velocity noise.
output_meas[i] = y;
// this is the control input that we would have "measured"
controller_nominal->computeControl(states_est[i - 1].template head<state_dim>(), dt * (i - 1), nominal_control);
// Kalman filter prediction step
ekf.predict(nominal_control, dt, dt * i);
// Kalman filter estimation step (state + disturbance)
states_est[i] = ekf.update(y, dt, dt * i);
cov_est[i] = ekf.getCovarianceMatrix();
// plot if plotting library built.
// some temporary containers for plotting
std::vector<double> time_plot;
std::vector<double> pos_est_plot, vel_est_plot, dist_est_plot;
std::vector<double> pos_plot, vel_plot, dist_plot;
std::vector<double> pos_meas_plot, vel_meas_plot;
std::vector<double> pos_var_plot_upper, pos_var_plot_lower, vel_var_plot_upper, vel_var_plot_lower,
dist_var_plot_upper, dist_var_plot_lower;
for (size_t i = 0; i < times.size(); i++)
pos_var_plot_upper.push_back(pos_est_plot[i] + cov_est[i](0, 0));
pos_var_plot_lower.push_back(pos_est_plot[i] - cov_est[i](0, 0));
vel_var_plot_upper.push_back(vel_est_plot[i] + cov_est[i](1, 1));
vel_var_plot_lower.push_back(vel_est_plot[i] - cov_est[i](1, 1));
dist_var_plot_upper.push_back(dist_est_plot[i] + cov_est[i](2, 2));
dist_var_plot_lower.push_back(dist_est_plot[i] - cov_est[i](2, 2));
// plot position
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("pos est", time_plot, pos_est_plot, "b");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("pvar_u", time_plot, pos_var_plot_upper, "b:");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("pvar_l", time_plot, pos_var_plot_lower, "b:");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("ground truth", time_plot, pos_plot, "r");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("pos meas", time_plot, pos_meas_plot, "kx--");
// plot velocity
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("vel est", time_plot, vel_est_plot, "b");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("vvar_u", time_plot, vel_var_plot_upper, "b:");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("vvar_l", time_plot, vel_var_plot_lower, "b:");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("ground truth", time_plot, vel_plot, "r");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("vel meas", time_plot, vel_meas_plot, "kx--");
ct::core::plot::ylabel("vel [m/sec]");
ct::core::plot::xlabel("time [sec]");
// plot disturbance
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("dist est", time_plot, dist_est_plot, "b");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("dvar_u", time_plot, dist_var_plot_upper, "b:");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("dvar_l", time_plot, dist_var_plot_lower, "b:");
ct::core::plot::labelPlot("ground truth", time_plot, dist_plot, "r");
#else // print results to command line
for (size_t i = 0; i < times.size(); i++)
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6) << "pos:\t" << states[i][0] << "\t pos est:\t"
<< states_est[i][0] << "\t dist:\t" << states_est[i][2] << std::endl
<< "vel: \t" << states[i][1] << "\t vel est:\t" << states_est[i][1] << std::endl
<< std::endl;
return 0;