- 3.0.2 core module.

This unit test serves as example how to use the SystemLinearizer (numerical differentiation) and the Autodiff-Linearizer (automatic differentiation)

This file is part of the Control Toolbox (https://github.com/ethz-adrl/control-toolbox), copyright by ETH Zurich.
Licensed under the BSD-2 license (see LICENSE file in main directory)
#include <ct/core/core.h>
// Bring in gtest
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using namespace ct::core;
using std::shared_ptr;
TEST(AutoDiffLinearizerTest, SystemLinearizerComparison)
// define the dimensions of the system
// typedefs for the auto-differentiable system
typedef CppAD::AD<double> AD_Scalar;
typedef tpl::TestNonlinearSystem<AD_Scalar> TestNonlinearSystemAD;
// handy typedefs for the Jacobian
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, state_dim, state_dim> A_type;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, state_dim, control_dim> B_type;
// create two nonlinear systems, one regular one and one auto-differentiable
double w_n = 100;
shared_ptr<TestNonlinearSystem> nonlinearSystem(new TestNonlinearSystem(w_n));
shared_ptr<TestNonlinearSystemAD> nonlinearSystemAD(new tpl::TestNonlinearSystem<AD_Scalar>(AD_Scalar(w_n)));
// create a linearizer that applies numerical differentiation
SystemLinearizer<state_dim, control_dim> systemLinearizer(nonlinearSystem);
// create a linearizer that uses codegeneration
AutoDiffLinearizer<state_dim, control_dim> adLinearizer(nonlinearSystemAD);
std::shared_ptr<AutoDiffLinearizer<state_dim, control_dim>> adLinearizerClone(adLinearizer.clone());
// create state, control and time variables
double t = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
// set a random state
// use the numerical differentiation linearizer
A_type A_system = systemLinearizer.getDerivativeState(x, u, t);
B_type B_system = systemLinearizer.getDerivativeControl(x, u, t);
// use the auto differentiation linearzier
A_type A_ad = adLinearizer.getDerivativeState(x, u, t);
B_type B_ad = adLinearizer.getDerivativeControl(x, u, t);
A_type A_adCloned = adLinearizerClone->getDerivativeState(x, u, t);
B_type B_adCloned = adLinearizerClone->getDerivativeControl(x, u, t);
// verify the result
ASSERT_LT((A_system - A_ad).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
ASSERT_LT((B_system - B_ad).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
ASSERT_LT((A_system - A_adCloned).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
ASSERT_LT((B_system - B_adCloned).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
TEST(AutoDiffDiscreteLinearizerTest, DiscreteSystemLinearizerComparison)
// define the dimensions of the system
// typedefs for the auto-differentiable system
typedef CppAD::AD<double> AD_Scalar;
typedef tpl::TestDiscreteNonlinearSystem<AD_Scalar> TestDiscreteNonlinearSystemAD;
// handy typedefs for the Jacobian
// create two nonlinear systems, one regular one and one auto-differentiable
const double rate = 0.1;
shared_ptr<TestDiscreteNonlinearSystem> nonlinearSystem(new TestDiscreteNonlinearSystem(rate));
shared_ptr<TestDiscreteNonlinearSystemAD> nonlinearSystemAD(
// create a linearizer that applies numerical differentiation
DiscreteSystemLinearizer<state_dim, control_dim> systemLinearizer(nonlinearSystem);
// create a linearizer that uses auto differentiation
DiscreteSystemLinearizerAD<state_dim, control_dim> adLinearizer(nonlinearSystemAD);
std::shared_ptr<DiscreteSystemLinearizerAD<state_dim, control_dim>> adLinearizerClone(adLinearizer.clone());
// create state, control and time variables
int n = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
// set a random state
// use the numerical differentiation linearizer
A_type A_system = systemLinearizer.getDerivativeState(x, u, n);
B_type B_system = systemLinearizer.getDerivativeControl(x, u, n);
A_type A_system2;
B_type B_system2;
// sanity check: compare getDerivtive* methods with getAandB
systemLinearizer.getAandB(x, u, x, n, 1, A_system2, B_system2);
ASSERT_LT((A_system - A_system2).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
ASSERT_LT((B_system - B_system2).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
// analytic derivative
A_type A_system_analytic;
A_system_analytic << 1.0 + rate * u(0), 0.0, x(1) * x(1), 2.0 * x(0) * x(1);
B_type B_system_analytic;
B_system_analytic << rate * x(0), 0.0;
ASSERT_LT((A_system - A_system_analytic).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
ASSERT_LT((B_system - B_system_analytic).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
// use the auto differentiation linearzier
A_type A_ad = adLinearizer.getDerivativeState(x, u, n);
B_type B_ad = adLinearizer.getDerivativeControl(x, u, n);
A_type A_adCloned = adLinearizerClone->getDerivativeState(x, u, n);
B_type B_adCloned = adLinearizerClone->getDerivativeControl(x, u, n);
// verify the result
ASSERT_LT((A_system - A_ad).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
ASSERT_LT((B_system - B_ad).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
ASSERT_LT((A_system - A_adCloned).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
ASSERT_LT((B_system - B_adCloned).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
TEST(AutoDiffLinearizerTestMP, SystemLinearizerComparisonMP)
// define the dimensions of the system
typedef std::shared_ptr<AutoDiffLinearizer<state_dim, control_dim>> AdLinearizerPtr;
// typedefs for the auto-differentiable system
typedef CppAD::AD<double> AD_Scalar;
typedef tpl::TestNonlinearSystem<AD_Scalar> TestNonlinearSystemAD;
// handy typedefs for the Jacobian
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, state_dim, state_dim> A_type;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, state_dim, control_dim> B_type;
// create two nonlinear systems, one regular one and one auto-differentiable
double w_n = 100;
shared_ptr<TestNonlinearSystem> nonlinearSystem(new TestNonlinearSystem(w_n));
shared_ptr<TestNonlinearSystemAD> nonlinearSystemAD(new tpl::TestNonlinearSystem<AD_Scalar>(AD_Scalar(w_n)));
// create a linearizer that applies numerical differentiation
SystemLinearizer<state_dim, control_dim> systemLinearizer(nonlinearSystem);
AutoDiffLinearizer<state_dim, control_dim> adLinearizer(nonlinearSystemAD);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SystemLinearizer<state_dim, control_dim>>> systemLinearizers;
size_t runs = 1000;
size_t numThreads = 5;
// The ad objects cannot yet be initialized here
for (size_t i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i)
std::shared_ptr<SystemLinearizer<state_dim, control_dim>>(systemLinearizer.clone()));
// Count in the main thread
CppadParallel::initParallel(numThreads + 1);
for (size_t n = 0; n < runs; ++n)
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i)
threads.push_back(std::thread([i, state_dim, control_dim, &adLinearizer, &systemLinearizers]() {
// The ad objects are initialized here, because they need to be associated with the specfic thread number
AdLinearizerPtr adLinearizerLocal = AdLinearizerPtr(adLinearizer.clone());
StateVector x;
ControlVector u;
double t = 0.0;
// use the numerical differentiation linearizer
A_type A_system = systemLinearizers[i]->getDerivativeState(x, u, t);
B_type B_system = systemLinearizers[i]->getDerivativeControl(x, u, t);
// use the auto differentiation linearzier
A_type A_ad = adLinearizerLocal->getDerivativeState(x, u, t);
B_type B_ad = adLinearizerLocal->getDerivativeControl(x, u, t);
// verify the result
ASSERT_LT((A_system - A_ad).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
ASSERT_LT((B_system - B_ad).array().abs().maxCoeff(), 1e-5);
for (auto& thr : threads)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();