▼Nct | |
►Ncore | |
►Ngenerated | |
CTestDiscreteNonlinearSystemLinearized | |
CTestDiscreteNonlinearSystemLinearizedDouble | |
CTestDiscreteNonlinearSystemLinearizedFloat | |
CTestForwardZero | |
CTestHessian | |
CTestJacobian | |
CTestNonlinearSystemLinearized | |
►Ninternal | |
CCppADCodegenTrait | Trait defining basic math functions for CppAD CodeGen Auto-Diff types |
CCppADDoubleTrait | Trait defining basic math functions for CppAD Auto-Diff types |
CDoubleTrait | Trait defining basic math functions for double types |
CFloatTrait | Trait defining basic math functions for float types |
CStepperBase | This class serves as a common interface between the ODEInt and our custom integrators |
CStepperCTBase | The stepper interface for custom steppers |
CStepperEulerCT | Custom implementation of the euler stepper |
CStepperODEInt | The interface to call the integration routines from ODEInt |
CStepperODEIntControlled | The interface to call ODEInt Controlled integration routines |
CStepperODEIntDenseOutput | The interface to call ODEInt Dense Output Integration routines |
CStepperRK4CT | Custom implementation of the rk4 integration scheme |
►NplotQwt | |
►Ndetail | |
C_application | |
C_interpreter | |
CFigure | |
►Ntpl | |
CActivationBase | |
CBarrierActivation | |
CEllipsoid | |
CExternallyDrivenTimer | A timer ("stop watch") to record elapsed time based on external time stamps |
CLinearActivation | |
CPeriodicActivation | |
CRBFGaussActivation | |
CSecondOrderSystem | Describes a damped oscillator |
CSingleActivation | |
CTestDiscreteNonlinearSystem | |
CTestLinearSystem [external] | |
CTestNonlinearSystem | |
CTestSymplecticSystem | |
CTimeArray | An array in time |
CTimer | A timer ("stop watch") to record elapsed time based on the system clock |
CTraitSelector | |
CTraitSelector< double > | |
CTraitSelector< float > | |
CADHelpers | |
CConstantController | A constant controller |
CConstantStateFeedbackController | A constant state feedback controller |
CConstantTrajectoryController | A constant controller |
CControlledSystem | A general, non-linear dynamic system with a control input |
CController | Interface class for all controllers |
CControlMatrix | |
CControlSimulator | A class for simulating controlled systems in a general way |
CControlVector | |
CDerivatives | General interface class for a Derivatives |
CDerivativesCppadSettings | Contains the NLP solver settings |
CDerivativesNumDiff | Derivatives using Num-Diff Codegeneration |
CDiscreteArray | An discrete array (vector) of a particular data type |
CDiscreteControlledSystem | A general, non-linear discrete dynamic system with a control input |
CDiscreteController | Interface class for all controllers |
CDiscreteLinearSystem | Interface class for a general discrete linear system or linearized discrete system |
CDiscreteSystem | |
CDiscreteSystemLinearizer | Computes the linearization of a general non-linear DiscreteControlledSystem using numerical differentiation |
CDiscreteTrajectoryBase | A discrete, timed trajectory with interpolation |
CDynamicsLinearizerNumDiff | Computes the linearization of a system dynamics function through numerical finite differencing |
CEventHandler | Interface for an event handler for an Integrator |
CFeedbackMatrix | |
CGaussianNoise | Gaussian noise generator |
CGeneralLinearFunction | |
CIntegrator | Standard Integrator |
CIntegratorSymplectic | This class wraps the symplectic integrators from boost to this toolbox |
CInterpolation | Class that performs interpolation of data in time |
CKillIntegrationEventHandler | Event handler to kill integration |
CLinearFunctionMIMO | |
CLinearSystem | Interface class for a general linear system or linearized system |
CLTISystem | Linear time-invariant system |
CMaxStepsEventHandler | Event handler to kill a (variable step) Integrator after doing too many steps |
CObserver | Observer for Integrator |
COutputMatrix | |
COutputStateMatrix | |
COutputVector | |
CPhaseSequence | Describes a Phase sequence with timing |
►CPIDController | A standard PIDController |
Cparameters_t | Parameters of a PID Controller |
Csetpoint_t | Setpoint for the PID controller |
CPlane | Implements a geometrical 3D plane of type |
CPlaneEstimator | Estimates a Plane from a number of 3D points using least squares |
CQuantizationNoise | Quantization of data |
CScalarArray | An array of scalar data types |
CScalarTrajectory | Specialized type of a discrete trajectory for scalar types |
CSensitivity | |
CSensitivityApproximation | Interface class for a general linear system or linearized system |
CSensitivityApproximationSettings | Settings for the SensitivityApproximation |
CSensitivityIntegrator | This class can integrate a controlled system Furthermore, it provides first order derivatives with respect to initial state and control |
CStateControlMatrix | |
CStateFeedbackController | A linear state feedback controller |
CStateMatrix | |
CStateVector | |
►CStepInputController | A simple step input |
CParameters | Parameters of the step input function |
CSubstepRecorder | Event handler to record substeps |
CSwitchedControlledSystem | A general, switched non-linear dynamic system with a control input |
CSwitchedDiscreteControlledSystem | A general, switched non-linear discrete dynamic system with a control input |
CSwitchedDiscreteLinearSystem | Class for a general switched discrete linear system or linearized discrete system |
CSwitchedLinearSystem | Interface class for a general switched linear system or linearized system |
CSwitchEvent | Describes a switch between phases |
CSymplecticSystem | The base class for the implementation of a symplectic system. In a symplectic system, the position and the velocity update can be separated. During integration, the velocity gets update first and the position update uses the updated velocity |
CSystem | Interface class for a general system described by an ordinary differential equation (ODE) |
CSystemDiscretizer | Discretize a general, continuous-time non-linear dynamic system using forward integration |
CSystemLinearizer | Computes the linearization of a general non-linear ControlledSystem using numerical differentiation |
CTrajectoryBase | Basic interface class for a trajectory |
CUniformNoise | Uniform noise generator |
CActuatorDynamics< 2 *NJOINTS, NJOINTS, SCALAR > [external] | |
CActuatorDynamics< NJOINTS, NJOINTS, SCALAR > [external] | |
CBoxConstraintBase< CONTROL_DIM, STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > [external] | |
CBoxConstraintBase< STATE_DIM, STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > [external] | |
CCheckValue [external] | |
CConstraintBase< 2, 1 > [external] | |
CConstraintBase< state_dim, control_dim > [external] | |
CConstraintJacobian< ct::rbd::Kinematics< RBD, NEE >, MAX_JAC_SIZE, NJOINTS, Scalar > [external] | |
CConstraintTerm1D [external] | |
CControlInputGenConstraint [external] | |
CCustomController | Example controller class that takes a 2-dimensional state and outputs a 1-dimensional control action |
CDisturbedSystem< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > [external] | |
CDmsDimensions< 2, 1 > [external] | |
CDmsDimensions< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM > [external] | |
CDmsDimensions< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, double > [external] | |
CDmsPolicy< 2, 1 > [external] | |
CDynamicRiccatiEquation< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM > [external] | |
CExampleConstraints [external] | |
CExampleConstraintsContainer [external] | |
CExampleCostEvaluator [external] | |
CExampleProblem [external] | |
CFixBaseSystemBase< RBDDynamics, 2 *RBDDynamics::NJOINTS, RBDDynamics::NJOINTS > [external] | |
CFixBaseSystemBase< RBDDynamics, RBDDynamics::NJOINTS, RBDDynamics::NJOINTS > [external] | |
CFixBaseSystemBase< RBDDynamics, RBDDynamics::NSTATE+ACT_STATE_DIM, RBDDynamics::NJOINTS+EE_ARE_CONTROL_INPUTS *RBDDynamics::N_EE *3 > [external] | |
CIKRegularizerBase [external] | |
CIKSolver [external] | |
CInertiaMatrixDense< Scalar > [external] | |
CInverseKinematicsBase< 6, SCALAR > [external] | |
CInverseKinematicsBase< IKNLP::Kinematics_t::NJOINTS, IKNLP::Scalar_t > [external] | |
CJacobianBase< NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS, Scalar > [external] | |
CJointState< NJOINTS, double > [external] | |
CJointState< NJOINTS, Scalar > [external] | |
CKinematics< RBD, NEE > [external] | |
CLinearizedOscillator | Linear system class for the GNMS unit test |
CLinkedMasses [external] | |
CLinkedMasses2 [external] | |
CMasspoint | |
CMPCSimulator [external] | |
CMpcTimeKeeper< Scalar_t > [external] | |
COperationalJacobianBase< NUM_OUTPUTS, NUM_JOINTS > [external] | |
COperationalJacobianBase< OUTPUTS, NJOINTS, SCALAR > [external] | |
COperationalJacobianBase< OUTPUTS, NJOINTS, Scalar > [external] | |
COperationalModelBase< NUM_JOINTS+6, NUM_JOINTS, NUM_CONTACTPOINTS > [external] | |
COperationalModelBase< RBDContainer::NJOINTS+6, RBDContainer::NJOINTS, NUM_CONTACTPOINTS > [external] | |
COptConProblemBase< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > [external] | |
COptConSolver< ct::optcon::DmsSolver< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR >, ct::optcon::DmsPolicy< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR >, ct::optcon::DmsSettings, STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM > [external] | |
COptConSolver< DmsSolver< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR >, DmsPolicy< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR >, DmsSettings, STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > [external] | |
COptconSystemInterface< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, ContinuousOptConProblem< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR >, SCALAR > [external] | |
COptconSystemInterface< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, ct::optcon::OptConProblemBase< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR >, SCALAR > [external] | |
COptconSystemInterface< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, DiscreteOptConProblem< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR >, SCALAR > [external] | |
CPolicyHandler< core::StateFeedbackController< STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR >, STATE_DIM, CONTROL_DIM, SCALAR > [external] | |
Cprint_size_as_warning [external] | |
CRBDDataMap< bool, NEE > [external] | |
CRBDState< NJOINTS, Scalar > [external] | |
CRBDState< NUM_JOINTS > [external] | |
CRBDState< NUM_JOINTS, Scalar > [external] | |
CRBDState< NUM_JOINTS, SCALAR > [external] | |
CRBDSystem< RBDDynamics, false > [external] | |
CRigidBodyPose< double > [external] | |
CRigidBodyPose< Scalar > [external] | |
CRigidBodyState< double > [external] | |
CRigidBodyState< Scalar > [external] | |
CRigidBodyVelocities< double > [external] | |
CRigidBodyVelocities< Scalar > [external] | |
CSelectionMatrix< NJOINTS, NSTATE/2, SCALAR > [external] | |
CStateDependentBase< iit::TestHyQ::tpl::JointState< TRAIT::Scalar >, JSIM< TRAIT > > [external] | |
CStateDependentBase< iit::testirb4600::JointState, JSIM< TRAIT > > [external] | |
CStateDependentBase< State, ActualMatrix > [external] | |
CStateDependentMatrix< iit::TestHyQ::tpl::JointState< TRAIT::Scalar >, 18, 18, JSIM< TRAIT > > [external] | |
CStateDependentMatrix< iit::testirb4600::JointState, 6, 6, JSIM< TRAIT > > [external] | |
CStateDependentMatrix< State, 3, 3, ActualMatrix > [external] | |
CStateDependentMatrix< State, 4, 4, ActualMatrix > [external] | |
CStateDependentMatrix< State, 6, 6, ActualMatrix > [external] | |
CStateDependentMatrix< State, 6, Cols, ActualMatrix > [external] | |
CStateGenConstraint [external] | |
CStateSumConstraint [external] | |
CSummaryAllIterations [external] | |
CTestJacobian [external] | |
CTestOscillator | |