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- 3.0.2 rigid body dynamics module.
▼Nct | |
▼Nrbd | |
►Ntpl | |
CActuatorDynamics | |
CActuatorDynamicsSymplectic | |
CCoordinateBase | |
CDynamics | This class implements the equations of motion of a Rigid Body System |
CEEContactModel | A soft contact model that only uses end-effector positions/velocities to compute the contact force |
CEndEffector | |
CFixBaseAccSystem | A simple fix base robot system which is purely kinematic and actuated at ACCELERATION level |
CFixBaseFDSystem | A fix base rigid body system that uses forward dynamics |
CFixBaseFDSystemSymplectic | A fix base rigid body system that uses forward dynamics |
CFixBaseNLOC | NLOC for fixed base systems without an explicit contact model |
CFixBaseRobotState | Whole fix base robot state, i.e. Joint state, Actuator Dynamics (and fix-base pose) |
CFixBaseSystemBase | Base class for fix-base robot systems |
CFixBaseVelSystem | A simple fix base robot system which is purely kinematic and actuated at VELOCITY level |
CFloatingBaseFDSystem | A floating base rigid body system that uses forward dynamics. The input vector is assumed to consist of joint torques and end-effector forces expressed in the world |
CFloatingBaseNLOCContactModel | NLOC for floating base systems with an explicit contact model |
CFloatingBaseRobotState | Whole robot state, i.e. RBDState and Actuator Dynamics |
CFloatingBaseSLQ | SLQ for floating base systems without an explicit contact model. The contact constraint is enforced via a cost function |
CFloatingBaseTransforms | |
CIDControllerFB | |
CIKConstraintsContainer | Inverse Kinematics constraint container |
CIKCostEvaluator | Inverse Kinematics cost evaluator for NLP |
CIKNLPSolverIpopt | |
CInfiniteHorizonLQRwithInverseDynamics | |
CInverseKinematicsBase | |
CInverseKinematicsSettings | |
CJacobiSingularity | A class computing codition numbers and singular velues of a Jacobian |
CJointAcceleration | Joint acceleration |
CJointLimitConstraints | Inverse Kinematics joint limit constraints |
CJointPositionPIDController | A joint position controller using a PID controller for all joints |
CJointState | Joint state and joint velocity |
CKinematics | A general class for computing Kinematic properties |
COperationalModel | This is the class for the operational space model which gives access to the operational model parameter. The model is assumed to have the following form: ![]() ![]() |
COperationalModelBase | |
CProjectedDynamics | |
CProjectedFDSystem | A floating base rigid body system that uses forward dynamics. The input vector is assumed to consist of joint torques and end-effector forces expressed in the world |
CRBDAcceleration | Joint acceleration and base acceleration |
CRBDDataMap | A very simple container to associate N generic data item T |
CRbdLinearizer | |
CRBDState | Joint states and base states |
CRBDSystem | This is a common interface class for an RBDSystem |
CRobCoGenContainer | Container class containing all robcogen classes |
CSEADynamicsFirstOrder | |
CSecondOrderActuatorDynamics | |
CSelectionMatrix | Selection Matrix for a Rigid Body Dynamics System |
CSimpleArmTrajectoryGenerator | |
CSpatialForceVector | A spatial force vector This vector contains a torque (angular) in the upper three rows and a linear force in the lower three rows |
CTermTaskspaceGeometricJacobian | A costfunction term that defines a cost on a task-space pose, for fix-base robots only |
CWholeBodyController | |
▼NEigen | |
▼Ninternal | |
Ctraits< iit::rbd::HomogeneousTransformBase< State, M > > | |
Ctraits< iit::rbd::RotationTransformBase< State, M > > | |
▼Niit | |
▼Nrbd | |
►Ninternal | |
►Ntpl | |
CCore | |
CDoubleTrait | |
CFloatTrait | |
CHomogeneousTransformBase | |
CJacobianBase | |
CRotationTransformBase | |
CSpatialTransformBase | |
CStateDependentBase | |
CStateDependentMatrix | |
►CUtils | |
▼NTestHyQ | |
►Ndyn | |
►Ntpl | |
CJointDataMap | |
CLinkDataMap | |
▼Ntestirb4600 | |
►Ndyn | |
►Ntpl | |
CJointDataMap | |
CLinkDataMap | |
▼Nikfast | |
CIkFastFunctions | Holds function pointers for all the exported functions of ikfast |
CIkSingleDOFSolutionBase | Holds the solution for a single dof |
CIkSolution | Default implementation of IkSolutionBase |
CIkSolutionBase | The discrete solutions are returned in this structure |
CIkSolutionList | Default implementation of IkSolutionListBase |
CIkSolutionListBase | Manages all the solutions |
CIKRegularizerBase | |
Cprint_size_as_warning | System Linearizer dedicated to Articulated Rigid Body Model |
CTestJacobian |